Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Linux/CMakeLists.txt
--- lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Linux/CMakeLists.txt
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Linux/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+  NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64.cpp
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Linux/NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64.h
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Linux/NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64.h
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+//===-- NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64.h -------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#if defined(__riscv) || __riscv_xlen == 64
+#ifndef lldb_NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64_h
+#define lldb_NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64_h
+#include "Plugins/Process/Linux/NativeRegisterContextLinux.h"
+#include "Plugins/Process/Utility/RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64.h"
+#include "Plugins/Process/Utility/NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64.h"
+#include <asm/ptrace.h>
+namespace lldb_private {
+namespace process_linux {
+class NativeProcessLinux;
+  class NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64
+      : public NativeRegisterContextLinux,
+        public NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64 {
+  public:
+    NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64(
+        const ArchSpec &target_arch, NativeThreadProtocol &native_thread,
+        std::unique_ptr<RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64> register_info_up);
+  uint32_t GetRegisterSetCount() const override;
+  uint32_t GetUserRegisterCount() const override;
+  const RegisterSet *GetRegisterSet(uint32_t set_index) const override;
+  Status ReadRegister(const RegisterInfo *reg_info,
+                      RegisterValue &reg_value) override;
+  Status WriteRegister(const RegisterInfo *reg_info,
+                       const RegisterValue &reg_value) override;
+  Status ReadAllRegisterValues(lldb::WritableDataBufferSP &data_sp) override;
+  Status WriteAllRegisterValues(const lldb::DataBufferSP &data_sp) override;
+  void InvalidateAllRegisters() override;
+  std::vector<uint32_t>
+  GetExpeditedRegisters(ExpeditedRegs expType) const override;
+  bool RegisterOffsetIsDynamic() const override { return true; }
+  Status ReadGPR() override;
+  Status WriteGPR() override;
+  Status ReadFPR() override;
+  Status WriteFPR() override;
+  void *GetGPRBuffer() override { return &m_gpr_riscv64; }
+  // GetGPRBufferSize returns sizeof riscv64 GPR ptrace buffer, it is different
+  // from GetGPRSize which returns sizeof RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GPR.
+  size_t GetGPRBufferSize() { return sizeof(m_gpr_riscv64); }
+  void *GetFPRBuffer() override { return &m_fpr; }
+  size_t GetFPRSize() override { return sizeof(m_fpr); }
+  bool m_gpr_is_valid;
+  bool m_fpu_is_valid;
+  struct user_regs_struct m_gpr_riscv64; // 64-bit general purpose registers.
+  RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::FPU
+      m_fpr; // floating-point registers including extended register sets.
+  // Debug register info for hardware breakpoints and watchpoints management.
+  struct DREG {
+    lldb::addr_t address;  // Breakpoint/watchpoint address value.
+    lldb::addr_t hit_addr; // Address at which last watchpoint trigger exception
+                           // occurred.
+    lldb::addr_t real_addr; // Address value that should cause target to stop.
+    uint32_t control;       // Breakpoint/watchpoint control value.
+    uint32_t refcount;      // Serves as enable/disable and reference counter.
+  };
+  struct DREG m_hbr_regs[16]; // RISC-V native linux hardware breakpoints
+  struct DREG m_hwp_regs[16]; // RISC-V native linux hardware watchpoints
+  uint32_t m_max_hwp_supported;
+  uint32_t m_max_hbp_supported;
+  bool IsGPR(unsigned reg) const;
+  bool IsFPR(unsigned reg) const;
+  uint32_t CalculateFprOffset(const RegisterInfo *reg_info) const;
+  RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64 &GetRegisterInfo() const;
+  llvm::Error ReadHardwareDebugInfo() override;
+  llvm::Error WriteHardwareDebugRegs(DREGType hwbType) override;
+} // namespace process_linux
+} // namespace lldb_private
+#endif // #ifndef lldb_NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64_h
+#endif // defined(__riscv) || __riscv_xlen == 64
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Linux/NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Linux/NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+//===-- NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64.cpp ----------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#if defined(__riscv) || __riscv_xlen == 64
+#include "NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/DataBufferHeap.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/RegisterValue.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/Status.h"
+#include "Plugins/Process/Linux/NativeProcessLinux.h"
+#include "Plugins/Process/Linux/Procfs.h"
+#include "Plugins/Process/Utility/RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64.h"
+// System includes - They have to be included after framework includes because
+// they define some macros which collide with variable names in other modules
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+// NT_PRSTATUS and NT_FPREGSET definition
+#include <elf.h>
+#define REG_CONTEXT_SIZE (GetGPRSize() + GetFPRSize())
+using namespace lldb;
+using namespace lldb_private;
+using namespace lldb_private::process_linux;
+    const ArchSpec &target_arch, NativeThreadLinux &native_thread) {
+  switch (target_arch.GetMachine()) {
+  case llvm::Triple::riscv64: {
+    Flags opt_regsets;
+    auto register_info_up =
+        std::make_unique<RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64>(target_arch, opt_regsets);
+    return std::make_unique<NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64>(
+        target_arch, native_thread, std::move(register_info_up));
+  }
+  default:
+    llvm_unreachable("have no register context for architecture");
+  }
+    const ArchSpec &target_arch, NativeThreadProtocol &native_thread,
+    std::unique_ptr<RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64> register_info_up)
+    : NativeRegisterContextRegisterInfo(native_thread,
+                                        register_info_up.release()),
+      NativeRegisterContextLinux(native_thread) {
+  ::memset(&m_fpr, 0, sizeof(m_fpr));
+  ::memset(&m_gpr_riscv64, 0, sizeof(m_gpr_riscv64));
+  ::memset(&m_hwp_regs, 0, sizeof(m_hwp_regs));
+  ::memset(&m_hbr_regs, 0, sizeof(m_hbr_regs));
+  // 16 is just a maximum value, query hardware for actual watchpoint count
+  m_max_hwp_supported = 16;
+  m_max_hbp_supported = 16;
+  m_gpr_is_valid = false;
+  m_fpu_is_valid = false;
+RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64 &
+NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::GetRegisterInfo() const {
+  return static_cast<RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64 &>(*m_register_info_interface_up);
+uint32_t NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::GetRegisterSetCount() const {
+  return GetRegisterInfo().GetRegisterSetCount();
+const RegisterSet *
+NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::GetRegisterSet(uint32_t set_index) const {
+  return GetRegisterInfo().GetRegisterSet(set_index);
+uint32_t NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::GetUserRegisterCount() const {
+  uint32_t count = 0;
+  for (uint32_t set_index = 0; set_index < GetRegisterSetCount(); ++set_index)
+    count += GetRegisterSet(set_index)->num_registers;
+  return count;
+NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::ReadRegister(const RegisterInfo *reg_info,
+                                               RegisterValue &reg_value) {
+  Status error;
+  if (!reg_info) {
+    error.SetErrorString("reg_info NULL");
+    return error;
+  }
+  const uint32_t reg = reg_info->kinds[lldb::eRegisterKindLLDB];
+  if (reg == LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM)
+    return Status("no lldb regnum for %s", reg_info && reg_info->name
+                                               ? reg_info->name
+                                               : "<unknown register>");
+  uint8_t *src;
+  uint32_t offset = LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+  if (IsGPR(reg)) {
+    error = ReadGPR();
+    if (error.Fail())
+      return error;
+    offset = reg_info->byte_offset;
+    assert(offset < GetGPRSize());
+    src = (uint8_t *)GetGPRBuffer() + offset;
+  } else if (IsFPR(reg)) {
+    error = ReadFPR();
+    if (error.Fail())
+      return error;
+    offset = CalculateFprOffset(reg_info);
+    assert(offset < GetFPRSize());
+    src = (uint8_t *)GetFPRBuffer() + offset;
+  } else
+    return Status("failed - register wasn't recognized to be a GPR or an FPR, "
+                  "write strategy unknown");
+  reg_value.SetFromMemoryData(reg_info, src, reg_info->byte_size,
+                              eByteOrderLittle, error);
+  return error;
+Status NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::WriteRegister(
+    const RegisterInfo *reg_info, const RegisterValue &reg_value) {
+  Status error;
+  if (!reg_info)
+    return Status("reg_info NULL");
+  const uint32_t reg = reg_info->kinds[lldb::eRegisterKindLLDB];
+  if (reg == LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM)
+    return Status("no lldb regnum for %s", reg_info->name != nullptr
+                                               ? reg_info->name
+                                               : "<unknown register>");
+  uint8_t *dst = nullptr;
+  uint32_t offset = LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+  std::vector<uint8_t> sve_reg_non_live;
+  if (IsGPR(reg)) {
+    error = ReadGPR();
+    if (error.Fail())
+      return error;
+    assert(reg_info->byte_offset < GetGPRSize());
+    dst = (uint8_t *)GetGPRBuffer() + reg_info->byte_offset;
+    ::memcpy(dst, reg_value.GetBytes(), reg_info->byte_size);
+    return WriteGPR();
+  } else if (IsFPR(reg)) {
+    // SVE is disabled take legacy route for FPU register access
+    error = ReadFPR();
+    if (error.Fail())
+      return error;
+    offset = CalculateFprOffset(reg_info);
+    assert(offset < GetFPRSize());
+    dst = (uint8_t *)GetFPRBuffer() + offset;
+    ::memcpy(dst, reg_value.GetBytes(), reg_info->byte_size);
+    return WriteFPR();
+  }
+  return Status("Failed to write register value");
+Status NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::ReadAllRegisterValues(
+    lldb::WritableDataBufferSP &data_sp) {
+  Status error;
+  data_sp.reset(new DataBufferHeap(REG_CONTEXT_SIZE, 0));
+  error = ReadGPR();
+  if (error.Fail())
+    return error;
+  error = ReadFPR();
+  if (error.Fail())
+    return error;
+  uint8_t *dst = const_cast<uint8_t *>(data_sp->GetBytes());
+  ::memcpy(dst, GetGPRBuffer(), GetGPRSize());
+  dst += GetGPRSize();
+  ::memcpy(dst, GetFPRBuffer(), GetFPRSize());
+  return error;
+Status NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::WriteAllRegisterValues(
+    const lldb::DataBufferSP &data_sp) {
+  Status error;
+  if (!data_sp) {
+    error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
+        "NativeRegisterContextLinux_x86_64::%s invalid data_sp provided",
+        __FUNCTION__);
+    return error;
+  }
+  if (data_sp->GetByteSize() != REG_CONTEXT_SIZE) {
+    error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
+        "NativeRegisterContextLinux_x86_64::%s data_sp contained mismatched "
+        "data size, expected %" PRIu64 ", actual %" PRIu64,
+        __FUNCTION__, REG_CONTEXT_SIZE, data_sp->GetByteSize());
+    return error;
+  }
+  uint8_t *src = const_cast<uint8_t *>(data_sp->GetBytes());
+  if (src == nullptr) {
+    error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("NativeRegisterContextLinux_x86_64::%s "
+                                   "DataBuffer::GetBytes() returned a null "
+                                   "pointer",
+                                   __FUNCTION__);
+    return error;
+  }
+  ::memcpy(GetGPRBuffer(), src, GetRegisterInfoInterface().GetGPRSize());
+  error = WriteGPR();
+  if (error.Fail())
+    return error;
+  src += GetRegisterInfoInterface().GetGPRSize();
+  ::memcpy(GetFPRBuffer(), src, GetFPRSize());
+  error = WriteFPR();
+  if (error.Fail())
+    return error;
+  return error;
+bool NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::IsGPR(unsigned reg) const {
+  if (GetRegisterInfo().GetRegisterSetFromRegisterIndex(reg) ==
+      RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GPRegSet)
+    return true;
+  return false;
+bool NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::IsFPR(unsigned reg) const {
+  return false;
+Status NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::ReadGPR() {
+  Status error;
+  if (m_gpr_is_valid)
+    return error;
+  struct iovec ioVec;
+  ioVec.iov_base = GetGPRBuffer();
+  ioVec.iov_len = GetGPRBufferSize();
+  error = ReadRegisterSet(&ioVec, GetGPRBufferSize(), NT_PRSTATUS);
+  if (error.Success())
+    m_gpr_is_valid = true;
+  return error;
+Status NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::WriteGPR() {
+  Status error = ReadGPR();
+  if (error.Fail())
+    return error;
+  struct iovec ioVec;
+  ioVec.iov_base = GetGPRBuffer();
+  ioVec.iov_len = GetGPRBufferSize();
+  m_gpr_is_valid = false;
+  return WriteRegisterSet(&ioVec, GetGPRBufferSize(), NT_PRSTATUS);
+Status NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::ReadFPR() {
+  Status error;
+  if (m_fpu_is_valid)
+    return error;
+  struct iovec ioVec;
+  ioVec.iov_base = GetFPRBuffer();
+  ioVec.iov_len = GetFPRSize();
+  error = ReadRegisterSet(&ioVec, GetFPRSize(), NT_FPREGSET);
+  if (error.Success())
+    m_fpu_is_valid = true;
+  return error;
+Status NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::WriteFPR() {
+  Status error = ReadFPR();
+  if (error.Fail())
+    return error;
+  struct iovec ioVec;
+  ioVec.iov_base = GetFPRBuffer();
+  ioVec.iov_len = GetFPRSize();
+  m_fpu_is_valid = false;
+  return WriteRegisterSet(&ioVec, GetFPRSize(), NT_FPREGSET);
+void NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::InvalidateAllRegisters() {
+  m_gpr_is_valid = false;
+  m_fpu_is_valid = false;
+uint32_t NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::CalculateFprOffset(
+    const RegisterInfo *reg_info) const {
+  return reg_info->byte_offset - GetGPRSize();
+std::vector<uint32_t> NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::GetExpeditedRegisters(
+    ExpeditedRegs expType) const {
+  std::vector<uint32_t> expedited_reg_nums =
+      NativeRegisterContext::GetExpeditedRegisters(expType);
+  return expedited_reg_nums;
+llvm::Error NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::ReadHardwareDebugInfo() {
+  return llvm::Error::success();
+llvm::Error NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::WriteHardwareDebugRegs(
+    NativeRegisterContextLinux_riscv64::DREGType hwbType) {
+  return llvm::Error::success();
+#endif // defined (__riscv) || __riscv_xlen == 64
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Utility/CMakeLists.txt
--- lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Utility/CMakeLists.txt
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Utility/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+  NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64.cpp
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@
+  RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64.cpp
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Utility/NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64.h
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Utility/NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64.h
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+//===-- NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64.h --------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#ifndef lldb_NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64_h
+#define lldb_NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64_h
+#include "Plugins/Process/Utility/NativeRegisterContextRegisterInfo.h"
+#include <array>
+namespace lldb_private {
+class NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64
+    : public virtual NativeRegisterContextRegisterInfo {
+  uint32_t NumSupportedHardwareBreakpoints() override;
+  uint32_t SetHardwareBreakpoint(lldb::addr_t addr, size_t size) override;
+  bool ClearHardwareBreakpoint(uint32_t hw_idx) override;
+  Status ClearAllHardwareBreakpoints() override;
+  Status GetHardwareBreakHitIndex(uint32_t &bp_index,
+                                  lldb::addr_t trap_addr) override;
+  bool BreakpointIsEnabled(uint32_t bp_index);
+  uint32_t NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints() override;
+  uint32_t SetHardwareWatchpoint(lldb::addr_t addr, size_t size,
+                                 uint32_t watch_flags) override;
+  bool ClearHardwareWatchpoint(uint32_t hw_index) override;
+  Status ClearAllHardwareWatchpoints() override;
+  Status GetWatchpointHitIndex(uint32_t &wp_index,
+                               lldb::addr_t trap_addr) override;
+  lldb::addr_t GetWatchpointHitAddress(uint32_t wp_index) override;
+  lldb::addr_t GetWatchpointAddress(uint32_t wp_index) override;
+  virtual uint32_t GetWatchpointSize(uint32_t wp_index);
+  virtual bool WatchpointIsEnabled(uint32_t wp_index);
+  // Debug register type select
+  enum DREGType { eDREGTypeWATCH = 0, eDREGTypeBREAK };
+  // Debug register info for hardware breakpoints and watchpoints management.
+  struct DREG {
+    lldb::addr_t address;  // Breakpoint/watchpoint address value.
+    lldb::addr_t hit_addr; // Address at which last watchpoint trigger exception
+                           // occurred.
+    lldb::addr_t real_addr; // Address value that should cause target to stop.
+    uint32_t control;       // Breakpoint/watchpoint control value.
+  };
+  std::array<struct DREG, 16> m_hbp_regs; // hardware breakpoints
+  std::array<struct DREG, 16> m_hwp_regs; // hardware watchpoints
+  uint32_t m_max_hbp_supported;
+  uint32_t m_max_hwp_supported;
+  virtual llvm::Error ReadHardwareDebugInfo() = 0;
+  virtual llvm::Error WriteHardwareDebugRegs(DREGType hwbType) = 0;
+} // namespace lldb_private
+#endif // #ifndef lldb_NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64_h
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Utility/NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Utility/NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+//===-- NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64.cpp ----------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/LLDBLog.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/RegisterValue.h"
+using namespace lldb_private;
+// E (bit 0), used to enable breakpoint/watchpoint
+constexpr uint32_t g_enable_bit = 1;
+// PAC (bits 2:1): 0b10
+constexpr uint32_t g_pac_bits = (2 << 1);
+// Returns appropriate control register bits for the specified size
+static constexpr inline uint64_t GetSizeBits(int size) {
+  // BAS (bits 12:5) hold a bit-mask of addresses to watch
+  // e.g. 0b00000001 means 1 byte at address
+  //      0b00000011 means 2 bytes (addr..addr+1)
+  //      ...
+  //      0b11111111 means 8 bytes (addr..addr+7)
+  return ((1 << size) - 1) << 5;
+uint32_t NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::NumSupportedHardwareBreakpoints() {
+  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Breakpoints);
+  llvm::Error error = ReadHardwareDebugInfo();
+  if (error) {
+    LLDB_LOG_ERROR(log, std::move(error),
+                   "failed to read debug registers: {0}");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return m_max_hbp_supported;
+NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::SetHardwareBreakpoint(lldb::addr_t addr,
+                                                        size_t size) {
+  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Breakpoints);
+  LLDB_LOG(log, "addr: {0:x}, size: {1:x}", addr, size);
+  // Read hardware breakpoint and watchpoint information.
+  llvm::Error error = ReadHardwareDebugInfo();
+  if (error) {
+        log, std::move(error),
+        "unable to set breakpoint: failed to read debug registers: {0}");
+    return LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+  }
+  uint32_t control_value = 0, bp_index = 0;
+  // Check if size has a valid hardware breakpoint length.
+  if (size != 4)
+    return LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32; // Invalid size for a AArch64 hardware
+                                 // breakpoint
+  // Check 4-byte alignment for hardware breakpoint target address.
+  if (addr & 0x03)
+    return LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32; // Invalid address, should be 4-byte aligned.
+  // Setup control value
+  control_value = g_enable_bit | g_pac_bits | GetSizeBits(size);
+  // Iterate over stored breakpoints and find a free bp_index
+  bp_index = LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_max_hbp_supported; i++) {
+    if (!BreakpointIsEnabled(i))
+      bp_index = i; // Mark last free slot
+    else if (m_hbp_regs[i].address == addr)
+      return LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32; // We do not support duplicate breakpoints.
+  }
+  if (bp_index == LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32)
+    return LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+  // Update breakpoint in local cache
+  m_hbp_regs[bp_index].real_addr = addr;
+  m_hbp_regs[bp_index].address = addr;
+  m_hbp_regs[bp_index].control = control_value;
+  // PTRACE call to set corresponding hardware breakpoint register.
+  error = WriteHardwareDebugRegs(eDREGTypeBREAK);
+  if (error) {
+    m_hbp_regs[bp_index].address = 0;
+    m_hbp_regs[bp_index].control &= ~1;
+        log, std::move(error),
+        "unable to set breakpoint: failed to write debug registers: {0}");
+    return LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+  }
+  return bp_index;
+bool NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::ClearHardwareBreakpoint(
+    uint32_t hw_idx) {
+  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Breakpoints);
+  LLDB_LOG(log, "hw_idx: {0}", hw_idx);
+  // Read hardware breakpoint and watchpoint information.
+  llvm::Error error = ReadHardwareDebugInfo();
+  if (error) {
+        log, std::move(error),
+        "unable to clear breakpoint: failed to read debug registers: {0}");
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (hw_idx >= m_max_hbp_supported)
+    return false;
+  // Create a backup we can revert to in case of failure.
+  lldb::addr_t tempAddr = m_hbp_regs[hw_idx].address;
+  uint32_t tempControl = m_hbp_regs[hw_idx].control;
+  m_hbp_regs[hw_idx].control &= ~g_enable_bit;
+  m_hbp_regs[hw_idx].address = 0;
+  // PTRACE call to clear corresponding hardware breakpoint register.
+  error = WriteHardwareDebugRegs(eDREGTypeBREAK);
+  if (error) {
+    m_hbp_regs[hw_idx].control = tempControl;
+    m_hbp_regs[hw_idx].address = tempAddr;
+        log, std::move(error),
+        "unable to clear breakpoint: failed to write debug registers: {0}");
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+Status NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::GetHardwareBreakHitIndex(
+    uint32_t &bp_index, lldb::addr_t trap_addr) {
+  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Breakpoints);
+  LLDB_LOGF(log, "NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::%s()", __FUNCTION__);
+  lldb::addr_t break_addr;
+  for (bp_index = 0; bp_index < m_max_hbp_supported; ++bp_index) {
+    break_addr = m_hbp_regs[bp_index].address;
+    if (BreakpointIsEnabled(bp_index) && trap_addr == break_addr) {
+      m_hbp_regs[bp_index].hit_addr = trap_addr;
+      return Status();
+    }
+  }
+  bp_index = LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+  return Status();
+Status NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::ClearAllHardwareBreakpoints() {
+  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Breakpoints);
+  LLDB_LOGF(log, "NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::%s()", __FUNCTION__);
+  // Read hardware breakpoint and watchpoint information.
+  llvm::Error error = ReadHardwareDebugInfo();
+  if (error)
+    return Status(std::move(error));
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_max_hbp_supported; i++) {
+    if (BreakpointIsEnabled(i)) {
+      // Create a backup we can revert to in case of failure.
+      lldb::addr_t tempAddr = m_hbp_regs[i].address;
+      uint32_t tempControl = m_hbp_regs[i].control;
+      // Clear watchpoints in local cache
+      m_hbp_regs[i].control &= ~g_enable_bit;
+      m_hbp_regs[i].address = 0;
+      // Ptrace call to update hardware debug registers
+      error = WriteHardwareDebugRegs(eDREGTypeBREAK);
+      if (error) {
+        m_hbp_regs[i].control = tempControl;
+        m_hbp_regs[i].address = tempAddr;
+        return Status(std::move(error));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return Status();
+bool NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::BreakpointIsEnabled(uint32_t bp_index) {
+  if ((m_hbp_regs[bp_index].control & g_enable_bit) != 0)
+    return true;
+  else
+    return false;
+uint32_t NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints() {
+  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Watchpoints);
+  llvm::Error error = ReadHardwareDebugInfo();
+  if (error) {
+    LLDB_LOG_ERROR(log, std::move(error),
+                   "failed to read debug registers: {0}");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return m_max_hwp_supported;
+uint32_t NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::SetHardwareWatchpoint(
+    lldb::addr_t addr, size_t size, uint32_t watch_flags) {
+  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Watchpoints);
+  LLDB_LOG(log, "addr: {0:x}, size: {1:x} watch_flags: {2:x}", addr, size,
+           watch_flags);
+  // Read hardware breakpoint and watchpoint information.
+  llvm::Error error = ReadHardwareDebugInfo();
+  if (error) {
+        log, std::move(error),
+        "unable to set watchpoint: failed to read debug registers: {0}");
+    return LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+  }
+  uint32_t control_value = 0, wp_index = 0;
+  lldb::addr_t real_addr = addr;
+  // Check if we are setting watchpoint other than read/write/access Also
+  // update watchpoint flag to match AArch64 write-read bit configuration.
+  switch (watch_flags) {
+  case 1:
+    watch_flags = 2;
+    break;
+  case 2:
+    watch_flags = 1;
+    break;
+  case 3:
+    break;
+  default:
+    return LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+  }
+  // Check if size has a valid hardware watchpoint length.
+  if (size != 1 && size != 2 && size != 4 && size != 8)
+    return LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+  // Check 8-byte alignment for hardware watchpoint target address. Below is a
+  // hack to recalculate address and size in order to make sure we can watch
+  // non 8-byte aligned addresses as well.
+  if (addr & 0x07) {
+    uint8_t watch_mask = (addr & 0x07) + size;
+    if (watch_mask > 0x08)
+      return LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+    else if (watch_mask <= 0x02)
+      size = 2;
+    else if (watch_mask <= 0x04)
+      size = 4;
+    else
+      size = 8;
+    addr = addr & (~0x07);
+  }
+  // Setup control value
+  control_value = g_enable_bit | g_pac_bits | GetSizeBits(size);
+  control_value |= watch_flags << 3;
+  // Iterate over stored watchpoints and find a free wp_index
+  wp_index = LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_max_hwp_supported; i++) {
+    if (!WatchpointIsEnabled(i))
+      wp_index = i; // Mark last free slot
+    else if (m_hwp_regs[i].address == addr) {
+      return LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32; // We do not support duplicate watchpoints.
+    }
+  }
+  if (wp_index == LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32)
+    return LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+  // Update watchpoint in local cache
+  m_hwp_regs[wp_index].real_addr = real_addr;
+  m_hwp_regs[wp_index].address = addr;
+  m_hwp_regs[wp_index].control = control_value;
+  // PTRACE call to set corresponding watchpoint register.
+  error = WriteHardwareDebugRegs(eDREGTypeWATCH);
+  if (error) {
+    m_hwp_regs[wp_index].address = 0;
+    m_hwp_regs[wp_index].control &= ~g_enable_bit;
+        log, std::move(error),
+        "unable to set watchpoint: failed to write debug registers: {0}");
+    return LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+  }
+  return wp_index;
+bool NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::ClearHardwareWatchpoint(
+    uint32_t wp_index) {
+  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Watchpoints);
+  LLDB_LOG(log, "wp_index: {0}", wp_index);
+  // Read hardware breakpoint and watchpoint information.
+  llvm::Error error = ReadHardwareDebugInfo();
+  if (error) {
+        log, std::move(error),
+        "unable to clear watchpoint: failed to read debug registers: {0}");
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (wp_index >= m_max_hwp_supported)
+    return false;
+  // Create a backup we can revert to in case of failure.
+  lldb::addr_t tempAddr = m_hwp_regs[wp_index].address;
+  uint32_t tempControl = m_hwp_regs[wp_index].control;
+  // Update watchpoint in local cache
+  m_hwp_regs[wp_index].control &= ~g_enable_bit;
+  m_hwp_regs[wp_index].address = 0;
+  // Ptrace call to update hardware debug registers
+  error = WriteHardwareDebugRegs(eDREGTypeWATCH);
+  if (error) {
+    m_hwp_regs[wp_index].control = tempControl;
+    m_hwp_regs[wp_index].address = tempAddr;
+        log, std::move(error),
+        "unable to clear watchpoint: failed to write debug registers: {0}");
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+Status NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::ClearAllHardwareWatchpoints() {
+  // Read hardware breakpoint and watchpoint information.
+  llvm::Error error = ReadHardwareDebugInfo();
+  if (error)
+    return Status(std::move(error));
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_max_hwp_supported; i++) {
+    if (WatchpointIsEnabled(i)) {
+      // Create a backup we can revert to in case of failure.
+      lldb::addr_t tempAddr = m_hwp_regs[i].address;
+      uint32_t tempControl = m_hwp_regs[i].control;
+      // Clear watchpoints in local cache
+      m_hwp_regs[i].control &= ~g_enable_bit;
+      m_hwp_regs[i].address = 0;
+      // Ptrace call to update hardware debug registers
+      error = WriteHardwareDebugRegs(eDREGTypeWATCH);
+      if (error) {
+        m_hwp_regs[i].control = tempControl;
+        m_hwp_regs[i].address = tempAddr;
+        return Status(std::move(error));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return Status();
+NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::GetWatchpointSize(uint32_t wp_index) {
+  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Watchpoints);
+  LLDB_LOG(log, "wp_index: {0}", wp_index);
+  switch ((m_hwp_regs[wp_index].control >> 5) & 0xff) {
+  case 0x01:
+    return 1;
+  case 0x03:
+    return 2;
+  case 0x0f:
+    return 4;
+  case 0xff:
+    return 8;
+  default:
+    return 0;
+  }
+bool NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::WatchpointIsEnabled(uint32_t wp_index) {
+  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Watchpoints);
+  LLDB_LOG(log, "wp_index: {0}", wp_index);
+  if ((m_hwp_regs[wp_index].control & g_enable_bit) != 0)
+    return true;
+  else
+    return false;
+Status NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::GetWatchpointHitIndex(
+    uint32_t &wp_index, lldb::addr_t trap_addr) {
+  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Watchpoints);
+  LLDB_LOG(log, "wp_index: {0}, trap_addr: {1:x}", wp_index, trap_addr);
+  // Read hardware breakpoint and watchpoint information.
+  llvm::Error error = ReadHardwareDebugInfo();
+  if (error)
+    return Status(std::move(error));
+  // Mask off ignored bits from watchpoint trap address.
+  trap_addr = GetWatchpointHitAddress(trap_addr);
+  uint32_t watch_size;
+  lldb::addr_t watch_addr;
+  for (wp_index = 0; wp_index < m_max_hwp_supported; ++wp_index) {
+    watch_size = GetWatchpointSize(wp_index);
+    watch_addr = m_hwp_regs[wp_index].address;
+    if (WatchpointIsEnabled(wp_index) && trap_addr >= watch_addr &&
+        trap_addr < watch_addr + watch_size) {
+      m_hwp_regs[wp_index].hit_addr = trap_addr;
+      return Status();
+    }
+  }
+  wp_index = LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
+  return Status();
+NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::GetWatchpointAddress(uint32_t wp_index) {
+  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Watchpoints);
+  LLDB_LOG(log, "wp_index: {0}", wp_index);
+  if (wp_index >= m_max_hwp_supported)
+  if (WatchpointIsEnabled(wp_index))
+    return m_hwp_regs[wp_index].real_addr;
+NativeRegisterContextDBReg_riscv64::GetWatchpointHitAddress(uint32_t wp_index) {
+  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Watchpoints);
+  LLDB_LOG(log, "wp_index: {0}", wp_index);
+  if (wp_index >= m_max_hwp_supported)
+  if (WatchpointIsEnabled(wp_index))
+    return m_hwp_regs[wp_index].hit_addr;
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Utility/RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64.h
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Utility/RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+//===-- RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64.h -----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "RegisterInfoAndSetInterface.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
+#include <map>
+class RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64
+    : public lldb_private::RegisterInfoAndSetInterface {
+  enum { GPRegSet = 0 };
+  struct GPR {
+    uint64_t zero;
+    uint64_t ra;
+    uint64_t sp;
+    uint64_t gp;
+    uint64_t tp;
+    uint64_t t[7]; //t0-6
+    uint64_t s[12]; //fp/s0-s11
+    uint64_t a[8]; //a0-7
+  };
+  struct FPU {
+    uint64_t f[32];
+    uint32_t fcsr;
+  };
+  RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64(const lldb_private::ArchSpec &target_arch,
+                            lldb_private::Flags flags);
+  size_t GetGPRSize() const override;
+  size_t GetFPRSize() const override;
+  const lldb_private::RegisterInfo *GetRegisterInfo() const override;
+  uint32_t GetRegisterCount() const override;
+  const lldb_private::RegisterSet *
+  GetRegisterSet(size_t reg_set) const override;
+  size_t GetRegisterSetCount() const override;
+  size_t GetRegisterSetFromRegisterIndex(uint32_t reg_index) const override;
+  typedef std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<lldb_private::RegisterInfo>>
+      per_vq_register_infos;
+  per_vq_register_infos m_per_vq_reg_infos;
+  const lldb_private::RegisterInfo *m_register_info_p;
+  uint32_t m_register_info_count;
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Utility/RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Utility/RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+//===-- RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64.cpp -------------------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include <cassert>
+#include <lldb/Utility/Flags.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "lldb/lldb-defines.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
+#include "RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64.h"
+#define GPR_OFFSET(idx) ((idx)*8)
+#define GPR_OFFSET_NAME(reg)                                                   \
+  (LLVM_EXTENSION offsetof(RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GPR, reg))
+#define FPU_OFFSET(idx) ((idx)*16 + sizeof(RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GPR))
+#define FPU_OFFSET_NAME(reg)                                                   \
+  (LLVM_EXTENSION offsetof(RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::FPU, reg) +                \
+   sizeof(RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GPR))
+#define DBG_OFFSET_NAME(reg)                                                   \
+  (LLVM_EXTENSION offsetof(RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::DBG, reg) +                \
+   sizeof(RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GPR) +                                      \
+   sizeof(RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::FPU))
+#define DEFINE_DBG(reg, i)                                                     \
+  #reg, NULL,                                                                  \
+      sizeof(((RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::DBG *) NULL)->reg[i]),                 \
+              DBG_OFFSET_NAME(reg[i]), lldb::eEncodingUint, lldb::eFormatHex,  \
+                              {LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM, LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM,       \
+                               LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM, LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM,       \
+                               dbg_##reg##i },                                 \
+                               NULL, NULL, NULL, 0
+#define REG_CONTEXT_SIZE                                                       \
+  (sizeof(RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GPR) +                                      \
+   sizeof(RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::FPU))
+#include "RegisterInfos_riscv64.h"
+static const lldb_private::RegisterInfo *
+GetRegisterInfoPtr(const lldb_private::ArchSpec &target_arch) {
+  switch (target_arch.GetMachine()) {
+  case llvm::Triple::riscv32:
+  case llvm::Triple::riscv64:
+    return g_register_infos_riscv64_le;
+  default:
+    assert(false && "Unhandled target architecture.");
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+// Number of register sets provided by this context.
+enum {
+  k_num_gpr_registers = gpr_x31 - gpr_x0 + 1,
+  k_num_register_sets = 1
+// RISC-V64 general purpose registers.
+static const uint32_t g_gpr_regnums_riscv64[] = {
+    gpr_x0,  gpr_ra,   gpr_sp,  gpr_x3,
+    gpr_x4,  gpr_x5,   gpr_x6,  gpr_x7,
+    gpr_fp,  gpr_x9,   gpr_x10, gpr_x11,
+    gpr_x12, gpr_x13,  gpr_x14, gpr_x15,
+    gpr_x16, gpr_x17,  gpr_x18, gpr_x19,
+    gpr_x20, gpr_x21,  gpr_x22, gpr_x23,
+    gpr_x24, gpr_x25,  gpr_x26, gpr_x27,
+    gpr_x28, gpr_x29,   gpr_x30,  gpr_x31,
+static_assert(((sizeof g_gpr_regnums_riscv64 / sizeof g_gpr_regnums_riscv64[0]) -
+               1) == k_num_gpr_registers,
+              "g_gpr_regnums_riscv64 has wrong number of register infos");
+// Register sets for RISC-V64.
+static const lldb_private::RegisterSet g_reg_sets_riscv64[k_num_register_sets] = {
+    {"General Purpose Registers", "gpr", k_num_gpr_registers,
+     g_gpr_regnums_riscv64}};
+static uint32_t
+GetRegisterInfoCount(const lldb_private::ArchSpec &target_arch) {
+  switch (target_arch.GetMachine()) {
+  case llvm::Triple::riscv64:
+    return static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(g_register_infos_riscv64_le) /
+                                 sizeof(g_register_infos_riscv64_le[0]));
+  default:
+    assert(false && "Unhandled target architecture.");
+    return 0;
+  }
+    const lldb_private::ArchSpec &target_arch, lldb_private::Flags flags)
+    : lldb_private::RegisterInfoAndSetInterface(target_arch),
+      m_register_info_p(GetRegisterInfoPtr(target_arch)),
+      m_register_info_count(GetRegisterInfoCount(target_arch)) {
+uint32_t RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GetRegisterCount() const {
+  return k_num_gpr_registers;
+size_t RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GetGPRSize() const {
+  return sizeof(struct RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GPR);
+size_t RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GetFPRSize() const {
+  return sizeof(struct RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::FPU);
+const lldb_private::RegisterInfo *
+RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GetRegisterInfo() const {
+  return m_register_info_p;
+size_t RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GetRegisterSetCount() const {
+  return k_num_register_sets - 1;
+size_t RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GetRegisterSetFromRegisterIndex(
+    uint32_t reg_index) const {
+  if (reg_index <= gpr_x31)
+    return GPRegSet;
+const lldb_private::RegisterSet *
+RegisterInfoPOSIX_riscv64::GetRegisterSet(size_t set_index) const {
+  if (set_index < GetRegisterSetCount())
+    return &g_reg_sets_riscv64[set_index];
+  return nullptr;
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Utility/RegisterInfos_riscv64.h
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Utility/RegisterInfos_riscv64.h
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+//===-- RegisterInfos_riscv64.h ---------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "lldb/lldb-defines.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
+#include "Utility/RISCV64_DWARF_Registers.h"
+#ifndef GPR_OFFSET
+#error GPR_OFFSET must be defined before including this header file
+#error GPR_OFFSET_NAME must be defined before including this header file
+#ifndef FPU_OFFSET
+#error FPU_OFFSET must be defined before including this header file
+#error FPU_OFFSET_NAME must be defined before including this header file
+#error DBG_OFFSET_NAME must be defined before including this header file
+#ifndef DEFINE_DBG
+#error DEFINE_DBG must be defined before including this header file
+// Offsets for a little-endian layout of the register context
+enum {
+  gpr_x0 = 0,
+  gpr_x1,
+  gpr_x2,
+  gpr_x3,
+  gpr_x4,
+  gpr_x5,
+  gpr_x6,
+  gpr_x7,
+  gpr_x8,
+  gpr_x9,
+  gpr_x10,
+  gpr_x11,
+  gpr_x12,
+  gpr_x13,
+  gpr_x14,
+  gpr_x15,
+  gpr_x16,
+  gpr_x17,
+  gpr_x18,
+  gpr_x19,
+  gpr_x20,
+  gpr_x21,
+  gpr_x22,
+  gpr_x23,
+  gpr_x24,
+  gpr_x25,
+  gpr_x26,
+  gpr_x27,
+  gpr_x28,
+  gpr_x29,
+  gpr_x30,
+  gpr_x31,
+  gpr_ra = gpr_x1,
+  gpr_sp = gpr_x2,
+  gpr_fp = gpr_x8,
+  k_num_registers
+// Generates register kinds array with DWARF, EH frame and generic kind
+#define MISC_KIND(reg, type, generic_kind)                                     \
+  {                                                                            \
+    riscv64_dwarf::reg, generic_kind, LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM,   \
+        type##_##reg                                                           \
+  }
+// Generates register kinds array for vector registers
+#define GPR64_KIND(reg, generic_kind) MISC_KIND(reg, gpr, generic_kind)
+// Defines a 64-bit general purpose register
+#define DEFINE_GPR64(reg, generic_kind)                                        \
+  {                                                                            \
+    #reg, nullptr, 8, GPR_OFFSET(gpr_##reg), lldb::eEncodingUint,              \
+        lldb::eFormatHex, GPR64_KIND(reg, generic_kind), nullptr, nullptr      \
+  }
+// Defines a 64-bit general purpose register
+#define DEFINE_GPR64_ALT(reg, alt, generic_kind)                               \
+  {                                                                            \
+    #reg, #alt, 8, GPR_OFFSET(gpr_##reg), lldb::eEncodingUint,                 \
+        lldb::eFormatHex, GPR64_KIND(reg, generic_kind), nullptr, nullptr      \
+  }
+// Defines miscellaneous status and control registers like fcsr
+#define DEFINE_MISC_REGS(reg, size, TYPE, lldb_kind)                           \
+  {                                                                            \
+    #reg, nullptr, size, TYPE##_OFFSET_NAME(reg), lldb::eEncodingUint,         \
+        lldb::eFormatHex, MISC_##TYPE##_KIND(lldb_kind), nullptr, nullptr      \
+  }
+static lldb_private::RegisterInfo g_register_infos_riscv64_le[] = {
+    // DEFINE_GPR64(name, GENERIC KIND)
+    // clang-format on
Index: lldb/source/Utility/RISCV64_DWARF_Registers.h
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/source/Utility/RISCV64_DWARF_Registers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+//===-- RISCV64_DWARF_Registers.h -------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
+namespace riscv64_dwarf {
+enum {
+  x0 = 0,
+  x1,
+  x2,
+  x3,
+  x4,
+  x5,
+  x6,
+  x7,
+  x8,
+  x9,
+  x10,
+  x11,
+  x12,
+  x13,
+  x14,
+  x15,
+  x16,
+  x17,
+  x18,
+  x19,
+  x20,
+  x21,
+  x22,
+  x23,
+  x24,
+  x25,
+  x26,
+  x27,
+  x28,
+  x29,
+  x30,
+  x31,
+  ra = x1,
+  sp = x2,
+  fp = x8,
+} // namespace riscv64_dwarf