diff --git a/libcxx/include/CMakeLists.txt b/libcxx/include/CMakeLists.txt
--- a/libcxx/include/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libcxx/include/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@
+  __algorithm/ranges_move.h
+  __algorithm/ranges_move_backward.h
diff --git a/libcxx/include/__algorithm/copy.h b/libcxx/include/__algorithm/copy.h
--- a/libcxx/include/__algorithm/copy.h
+++ b/libcxx/include/__algorithm/copy.h
@@ -74,13 +74,6 @@
   return std::make_pair(__last, reverse_iterator<_OutIter>(std::__rewrap_iter(__result.base(), __result_first)));
-template <class _InIter, class _Sent, class _OutIter>
-pair<reverse_iterator<reverse_iterator<_InIter> >, reverse_iterator<reverse_iterator<_OutIter> > >
-__copy_impl(reverse_iterator<reverse_iterator<_InIter> > __first,
-            reverse_iterator<reverse_iterator<_Sent> > __last,
-            reverse_iterator<reverse_iterator<_OutIter> > __result);
 template <class _InIter, class _Sent, class _OutIter,
                        && is_copy_constructible<_Sent>::value
@@ -101,18 +94,6 @@
   return std::make_pair(std::__rewrap_iter(__first, __ret.first), std::__rewrap_iter(__result, __ret.second));
-// __unwrap_iter can't unwrap random_access_iterators, so we need to unwrap two reverse_iterators manually
-template <class _InIter, class _Sent, class _OutIter>
-pair<reverse_iterator<reverse_iterator<_InIter> >, reverse_iterator<reverse_iterator<_OutIter> > >
-__copy_impl(reverse_iterator<reverse_iterator<_InIter> > __first,
-            reverse_iterator<reverse_iterator<_Sent> > __last,
-            reverse_iterator<reverse_iterator<_OutIter> > __result) {
-  auto __ret = std::__copy(__first.base().base(), __last.base().base(), __result.base().base());
-  return std::make_pair(reverse_iterator<reverse_iterator<_InIter> >(reverse_iterator<_InIter>(__ret.first)),
-                        reverse_iterator<reverse_iterator<_OutIter> >(reverse_iterator<_OutIter>(__ret.second)));
 template <class _InputIterator, class _OutputIterator>
diff --git a/libcxx/include/__algorithm/move.h b/libcxx/include/__algorithm/move.h
--- a/libcxx/include/__algorithm/move.h
+++ b/libcxx/include/__algorithm/move.h
@@ -11,7 +11,10 @@
 #include <__algorithm/unwrap_iter.h>
 #include <__config>
+#include <__iterator/iterator_traits.h>
+#include <__iterator/reverse_iterator.h>
 #include <__utility/move.h>
+#include <__utility/pair.h>
 #include <cstring>
 #include <type_traits>
@@ -23,53 +26,88 @@
 // move
-template <class _InputIterator, class _OutputIterator>
+template <class _InIter, class _Sent, class _OutIter>
-__move_constexpr(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result)
-    for (; __first != __last; ++__first, (void) ++__result)
-        *__result = _VSTD::move(*__first);
-    return __result;
+pair<_InIter, _OutIter> __move_impl(_InIter __first, _Sent __last, _OutIter __result) {
+  while (__first != __last) {
+    *__result = std::move(*__first);
+    ++__first;
+    ++__result;
+  }
+  return std::make_pair(std::move(__first), std::move(__result));
-template <class _InputIterator, class _OutputIterator>
-__move(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result)
-    return _VSTD::__move_constexpr(__first, __last, __result);
+template <class _InType,
+          class _OutType,
+          class = __enable_if_t<is_same<typename remove_const<_InType>::type, _OutType>::value
+                             && is_trivially_move_assignable<_OutType>::value> >
+pair<_InType*, _OutType*> __move_impl(_InType* __first, _InType* __last, _OutType* __result) {
+  if (__libcpp_is_constant_evaluated()
+// TODO: Remove this once GCC supports __builtin_memmove during constant evaluation
+   && !is_trivially_copyable<_InType>::value
+     )
+    return std::__move_impl<_InType*, _InType*, _OutType*>(__first, __last, __result);
+  const size_t __n = static_cast<size_t>(__last - __first);
+  ::__builtin_memmove(__result, __first, __n * sizeof(_OutType));
+  return std::make_pair(__first + __n, __result + __n);
-template <class _Tp, class _Up>
-typename enable_if
-    is_same<typename remove_const<_Tp>::type, _Up>::value &&
-    is_trivially_move_assignable<_Up>::value,
-    _Up*
-__move(_Tp* __first, _Tp* __last, _Up* __result)
-    const size_t __n = static_cast<size_t>(__last - __first);
-    if (__n > 0)
-        _VSTD::memmove(__result, __first, __n * sizeof(_Up));
-    return __result + __n;
+template <class>
+struct __is_trivially_move_assignable_unwrapped_impl : false_type {};
+template <class _Type>
+struct __is_trivially_move_assignable_unwrapped_impl<_Type*> : is_trivially_move_assignable<_Type> {};
+template <class _Iter>
+struct __is_trivially_move_assignable_unwrapped
+    : __is_trivially_move_assignable_unwrapped_impl<decltype(std::__unwrap_iter<_Iter>(std::declval<_Iter>()))> {};
+template <class _InIter,
+          class _OutIter,
+          __enable_if_t<is_same<typename remove_const<typename iterator_traits<_InIter>::value_type>::type,
+                                typename iterator_traits<_OutIter>::value_type>::value
+                     && __is_cpp17_contiguous_iterator<_InIter>::value
+                     && __is_cpp17_contiguous_iterator<_OutIter>::value
+                     && is_trivially_move_assignable<__iter_value_type<_OutIter> >::value, int> = 0>
+pair<reverse_iterator<_InIter>, reverse_iterator<_OutIter> >
+__move_impl(reverse_iterator<_InIter> __first,
+            reverse_iterator<_InIter> __last,
+            reverse_iterator<_OutIter> __result) {
+  auto __first_base = std::__unwrap_iter(__first.base());
+  auto __last_base = std::__unwrap_iter(__last.base());
+  auto __result_base = std::__unwrap_iter(__result.base());
+  auto __result_first = __result_base - (__first_base - __last_base);
+  std::__move_impl(__last_base, __first_base, __result_first);
+  return std::make_pair(__last, reverse_iterator<_OutIter>(std::__rewrap_iter(__result.base(), __result_first)));
+template <class _InIter, class _Sent, class _OutIter>
+           && is_copy_constructible<_Sent>::value
+           && is_copy_constructible<_OutIter>::value, pair<_InIter, _OutIter> >
+__move(_InIter __first, _Sent __last, _OutIter __result) {
+  auto __ret = std::__move_impl(std::__unwrap_iter(__first), std::__unwrap_iter(__last), std::__unwrap_iter(__result));
+  return std::make_pair(std::__rewrap_iter(__first, __ret.first), std::__rewrap_iter(__result, __ret.second));
+template <class _InIter, class _Sent, class _OutIter>
+           || !is_copy_constructible<_Sent>::value
+           || !is_copy_constructible<_OutIter>::value, pair<_InIter, _OutIter> >
+__move(_InIter __first, _Sent __last, _OutIter __result) {
+  return std::__move_impl(std::move(__first), std::move(__last), std::move(__result));
 template <class _InputIterator, class _OutputIterator>
-move(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result)
-    if (__libcpp_is_constant_evaluated()) {
-        return _VSTD::__move_constexpr(__first, __last, __result);
-    } else {
-        return _VSTD::__rewrap_iter(__result,
-            _VSTD::__move(_VSTD::__unwrap_iter(__first),
-                          _VSTD::__unwrap_iter(__last),
-                          _VSTD::__unwrap_iter(__result)));
-    }
+_OutputIterator move(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result) {
+  return std::__move(__first, __last, __result).second;
diff --git a/libcxx/include/__algorithm/move_backward.h b/libcxx/include/__algorithm/move_backward.h
--- a/libcxx/include/__algorithm/move_backward.h
+++ b/libcxx/include/__algorithm/move_backward.h
@@ -9,11 +9,9 @@
-#include <__algorithm/unwrap_iter.h>
+#include <__algorithm/move.h>
 #include <__config>
-#include <__utility/move.h>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <type_traits>
+#include <__iterator/reverse_iterator.h>
 #  pragma GCC system_header
@@ -21,57 +19,15 @@
-template <class _InputIterator, class _OutputIterator>
-__move_backward_constexpr(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result)
-    while (__first != __last)
-        *--__result = _VSTD::move(*--__last);
-    return __result;
-template <class _InputIterator, class _OutputIterator>
-__move_backward(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result)
-    return _VSTD::__move_backward_constexpr(__first, __last, __result);
-template <class _Tp, class _Up>
-typename enable_if
-    is_same<typename remove_const<_Tp>::type, _Up>::value &&
-    is_trivially_move_assignable<_Up>::value,
-    _Up*
-__move_backward(_Tp* __first, _Tp* __last, _Up* __result)
-    const size_t __n = static_cast<size_t>(__last - __first);
-    if (__n > 0)
-    {
-        __result -= __n;
-        _VSTD::memmove(__result, __first, __n * sizeof(_Up));
-    }
-    return __result;
 template <class _BidirectionalIterator1, class _BidirectionalIterator2>
 move_backward(_BidirectionalIterator1 __first, _BidirectionalIterator1 __last,
               _BidirectionalIterator2 __result)
-    if (__libcpp_is_constant_evaluated()) {
-        return _VSTD::__move_backward_constexpr(__first, __last, __result);
-    } else {
-        return _VSTD::__rewrap_iter(__result,
-            _VSTD::__move_backward(_VSTD::__unwrap_iter(__first),
-                                   _VSTD::__unwrap_iter(__last),
-                                   _VSTD::__unwrap_iter(__result)));
-    }
+  return std::__move(reverse_iterator<_BidirectionalIterator1>(__last),
+                     reverse_iterator<_BidirectionalIterator1>(__first),
+                     reverse_iterator<_BidirectionalIterator2>(__result)).second.base();
diff --git a/libcxx/include/__algorithm/ranges_move.h b/libcxx/include/__algorithm/ranges_move.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcxx/include/__algorithm/ranges_move.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include <__algorithm/in_out_result.h>
+#include <__algorithm/move.h>
+#include <__config>
+#include <__iterator/concepts.h>
+#include <__iterator/iter_move.h>
+#include <__ranges/access.h>
+#include <__ranges/concepts.h>
+#include <__ranges/dangling.h>
+#include <__utility/move.h>
+#  pragma GCC system_header
+namespace ranges {
+template <class _InIter, class _OutIter>
+using move_result = in_out_result<_InIter, _OutIter>;
+namespace __move {
+struct __fn {
+  template <class _InIter, class _Sent, class _OutIter>
+    requires __iter_move::__move_deref<_InIter> // check that we are allowed to std::move() the value
+  _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr static
+  move_result<_InIter, _OutIter> __move_impl(_InIter __first, _Sent __last, _OutIter __result) {
+    auto __ret = std::__move(std::move(__first), std::move(__last), std::move(__result));
+    return {std::move(__ret.first), std::move(__ret.second)};
+  }
+  template <class _InIter, class _Sent, class _OutIter>
+  _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr static
+  move_result<_InIter, _OutIter> __move_impl(_InIter __first, _Sent __last, _OutIter __result) {
+    while (__first != __last) {
+      *__result = ranges::iter_move(__first);
+      ++__first;
+      ++__result;
+    }
+    return {std::move(__first), std::move(__result)};
+  }
+  template <input_iterator _InIter, sentinel_for<_InIter> _Sent, weakly_incrementable _OutIter>
+    requires indirectly_movable<_InIter, _OutIter>
+  _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr
+  move_result<_InIter, _OutIter> operator()(_InIter __first, _Sent __last, _OutIter __result) const {
+    return __move_impl(std::move(__first), std::move(__last), std::move(__result));
+  }
+  template <input_range _Range, weakly_incrementable _OutIter>
+    requires indirectly_movable<iterator_t<_Range>, _OutIter>
+  _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr
+  move_result<borrowed_iterator_t<_Range>, _OutIter> operator()(_Range&& __range, _OutIter __result) const {
+    return __move_impl(ranges::begin(__range), ranges::end(__range), std::move(__result));
+  }
+} // namespace __move
+inline namespace __cpo {
+  inline constexpr auto move = __move::__fn{};
+} // namespace __cpo
+} // namespace ranges
diff --git a/libcxx/include/__algorithm/ranges_move_backward.h b/libcxx/include/__algorithm/ranges_move_backward.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcxx/include/__algorithm/ranges_move_backward.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include <__algorithm/in_out_result.h>
+#include <__algorithm/ranges_move.h>
+#include <__config>
+#include <__iterator/concepts.h>
+#include <__iterator/iter_move.h>
+#include <__iterator/next.h>
+#include <__iterator/reverse_iterator.h>
+#include <__ranges/access.h>
+#include <__ranges/concepts.h>
+#include <__ranges/dangling.h>
+#include <__utility/move.h>
+#  pragma GCC system_header
+namespace ranges {
+template <class _InIter, class _OutIter>
+using move_backward_result = in_out_result<_InIter, _OutIter>;
+namespace __move_backward {
+struct __fn {
+  template <class _InIter, class _Sent, class _OutIter>
+  _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr static
+  move_backward_result<_InIter, _OutIter> __move_backward_impl(_InIter __first, _Sent __last, _OutIter __result) {
+    auto __ret = ranges::move(std::make_reverse_iterator(ranges::next(__first, __last)),
+                              std::make_reverse_iterator(__first),
+                              std::make_reverse_iterator(__result));
+    return {std::move(__ret.first.base()), std::move(__ret.second.base())};
+  }
+  template <bidirectional_iterator _InIter, sentinel_for<_InIter> _Sent, bidirectional_iterator _OutIter>
+    requires indirectly_movable<_InIter, _OutIter>
+  _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr
+  move_backward_result<_InIter, _OutIter> operator()(_InIter __first, _Sent __last, _OutIter __result) const {
+    return __move_backward_impl(std::move(__first), std::move(__last), std::move(__result));
+  }
+  template <bidirectional_range _Range, bidirectional_iterator _Iter>
+    requires indirectly_movable<iterator_t<_Range>, _Iter>
+  _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr
+  move_backward_result<borrowed_iterator_t<_Range>, _Iter> operator()(_Range&& __range, _Iter __result) const {
+    return __move_backward_impl(ranges::begin(__range), ranges::end(__range), std::move(__result));
+  }
+} // namespace __move_backward
+inline namespace __cpo {
+  inline constexpr auto move_backward = __move_backward::__fn{};
+} // namespace __cpo
+} // namespace ranges
diff --git a/libcxx/include/__algorithm/unwrap_iter.h b/libcxx/include/__algorithm/unwrap_iter.h
--- a/libcxx/include/__algorithm/unwrap_iter.h
+++ b/libcxx/include/__algorithm/unwrap_iter.h
@@ -63,6 +63,22 @@
     return _Impl::__apply(__i);
+template <class _OrigIter, class _UnwrappedIter>
+struct __rewrap_iter_impl {
+  static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR _OrigIter __apply(_OrigIter __first, _UnwrappedIter __result) {
+    // Precondition: __result is reachable from __first
+    // Precondition: _OrigIter is a contiguous iterator
+    return __first + (__result - std::__unwrap_iter(__first));
+  }
+template <class _OrigIter>
+struct __rewrap_iter_impl<_OrigIter, _OrigIter> {
+  static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR _OrigIter __apply(_OrigIter, _OrigIter __result) {
+    return __result;
+  }
 template<class _OrigIter>
 _OrigIter __rewrap_iter(_OrigIter, _OrigIter __result)
@@ -70,13 +86,11 @@
     return __result;
-template<class _OrigIter, class _UnwrappedIter>
+template<class _OrigIter, class _UnwrappedIter, class _Impl = __rewrap_iter_impl<_OrigIter, _UnwrappedIter>>
 _OrigIter __rewrap_iter(_OrigIter __first, _UnwrappedIter __result)
-    // Precondition: __result is reachable from __first
-    // Precondition: _OrigIter is a contiguous iterator
-    return __first + (__result - _VSTD::__unwrap_iter(__first));
+  return _Impl::__apply(__first, __result);
diff --git a/libcxx/include/__iterator/reverse_iterator.h b/libcxx/include/__iterator/reverse_iterator.h
--- a/libcxx/include/__iterator/reverse_iterator.h
+++ b/libcxx/include/__iterator/reverse_iterator.h
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+#include <__algorithm/unwrap_iter.h>
 #include <__compare/compare_three_way_result.h>
 #include <__compare/three_way_comparable.h>
 #include <__concepts/convertible_to.h>
@@ -321,6 +322,53 @@
+template <class _Iter>
+using _ReverseWrapper = reverse_iterator<reverse_iterator<_Iter> >;
+template <class _Iter, bool __b>
+struct __unwrap_iter_impl<_ReverseWrapper<_Iter>, __b> {
+    decltype(std::__unwrap_iter(std::declval<_Iter>())) __apply(_ReverseWrapper<_Iter> __i) _NOEXCEPT {
+        return std::__unwrap_iter(__i.base().base());
+    }
+template <class _OrigIter, class _UnwrappedIter>
+struct __rewrap_iter_impl<_ReverseWrapper<_OrigIter>, _UnwrappedIter> {
+    template <class _Iter>
+    struct _ReverseWrapperCount { static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR const size_t value = 1; };
+    template <class _Iter>
+    struct _ReverseWrapperCount<_ReverseWrapper<_Iter> > {
+        static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR const size_t value = 1 + _ReverseWrapperCount<_Iter>::value;
+    };
+    template <size_t _RewrapCount,
+              class _OIter,
+              class _UIter,
+              __enable_if_t<_RewrapCount != 0, int> = 0>
+    _ReverseWrapper<_OIter> __rewrap(_ReverseWrapper<_OIter> __iter1, _UIter __iter2) {
+        auto __it = __rewrap<_RewrapCount - 1>(__iter1.base().base(), __iter2);
+        return _ReverseWrapper<_OIter>(reverse_iterator<_OIter>(__it));
+    }
+    template <size_t _RewrapCount,
+              class _OIter,
+              class _UIter,
+              __enable_if_t<_RewrapCount == 0, int> = 0>
+    decltype(std::__rewrap_iter(std::declval<_OIter>(), std::declval<_UIter>()))
+    __rewrap(_OIter __iter1, _UIter __iter2) {
+        return std::__rewrap_iter(__iter1, __iter2);
+    }
+    _ReverseWrapper<_OrigIter> __apply(_ReverseWrapper<_OrigIter> __iter1, _UnwrappedIter __iter2) {
+        return __rewrap<_ReverseWrapperCount<_OrigIter>::value>(__iter1, __iter2);
+    }
diff --git a/libcxx/include/algorithm b/libcxx/include/algorithm
--- a/libcxx/include/algorithm
+++ b/libcxx/include/algorithm
@@ -424,6 +424,27 @@
     constexpr borrowed_iterator_t<R>
       ranges::replace_if(R&& r, Pred pred, const T& new_value, Proj proj = {});                     // since C++20
+  template<bidirectional_iterator I1, sentinel_for<I1> S1, bidirectional_iterator I2>
+    requires indirectly_movable<I1, I2>
+    constexpr ranges::move_backward_result<I1, I2>
+      ranges::move_backward(I1 first, S1 last, I2 result);                                          // since C++20
+  template<bidirectional_range R, bidirectional_iterator I>
+    requires indirectly_movable<iterator_t<R>, I>
+    constexpr ranges::move_backward_result<borrowed_iterator_t<R>, I>
+      ranges::move_backward(R&& r, I result);                                                       // since C++20
+  template<input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S, weakly_incrementable O>
+    requires indirectly_movable<I, O>
+    constexpr ranges::move_result<I, O>
+      ranges::move(I first, S last, O result);                                                      // since C++20
+  template<input_range R, weakly_incrementable O>
+    requires indirectly_movable<iterator_t<R>, O>
+    constexpr ranges::move_result<borrowed_iterator_t<R>, O>
+      ranges::move(R&& r, O result);                                                                // since C++20
     constexpr bool     // constexpr in C++20
@@ -1170,6 +1191,8 @@
 #include <__algorithm/ranges_minmax.h>
 #include <__algorithm/ranges_minmax_element.h>
 #include <__algorithm/ranges_mismatch.h>
+#include <__algorithm/ranges_move.h>
+#include <__algorithm/ranges_move_backward.h>
 #include <__algorithm/ranges_none_of.h>
 #include <__algorithm/ranges_replace.h>
 #include <__algorithm/ranges_replace_if.h>
diff --git a/libcxx/include/ext/hash_map b/libcxx/include/ext/hash_map
--- a/libcxx/include/ext/hash_map
+++ b/libcxx/include/ext/hash_map
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@
 #include <functional>
 #include <iterator> // TODO: Remove this include
 #include <stdexcept>
+#include <iterator> // TODO: Remove this include
 #include <type_traits>
 #if defined(__DEPRECATED) && __DEPRECATED
diff --git a/libcxx/include/module.modulemap.in b/libcxx/include/module.modulemap.in
--- a/libcxx/include/module.modulemap.in
+++ b/libcxx/include/module.modulemap.in
@@ -335,6 +335,8 @@
       module ranges_minmax            { private header "__algorithm/ranges_minmax.h" }
       module ranges_minmax_element    { private header "__algorithm/ranges_minmax_element.h" }
       module ranges_mismatch          { private header "__algorithm/ranges_mismatch.h" }
+      module ranges_move              { private header "__algorithm/ranges_move.h" }
+      module ranges_move_backward     { private header "__algorithm/ranges_move_backward.h" }
       module ranges_none_of           { private header "__algorithm/ranges_none_of.h" }
       module ranges_replace           { private header "__algorithm/ranges_replace.h" }
       module ranges_replace_if        { private header "__algorithm/ranges_replace_if.h" }
diff --git a/libcxx/test/libcxx/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/copy.pass.cpp b/libcxx/test/libcxx/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/copy.pass.cpp
--- a/libcxx/test/libcxx/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/copy.pass.cpp
+++ b/libcxx/test/libcxx/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/copy.pass.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iterator>
+#include <ranges>
 #include <type_traits>
 struct S {
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
   using pointer = T*;
   using reference = T&;
+  constexpr NotIncrementableIt() = default;
   constexpr NotIncrementableIt(T* i_) : i(i_) {}
   friend constexpr bool operator==(const NotIncrementableIt& lhs, const NotIncrementableIt& rhs) {
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@
   constexpr T& operator*() { return *i; }
+  constexpr T& operator*() const { return *i; }
   constexpr T* operator->() { return i; }
   constexpr T* operator->() const { return i; }
@@ -58,6 +61,11 @@
     return *this;
+  constexpr NotIncrementableIt& operator++(int) {
+    assert(false);
+    return *this;
+  }
   constexpr NotIncrementableIt& operator--() {
     return *this;
@@ -70,39 +78,95 @@
-template <class Iter>
+template <size_t N, class Iter, std::enable_if_t<N == 0>* = nullptr>
+constexpr auto wrap_n_times(Iter i) {
+  return i;
+template <size_t N, class Iter, std::enable_if_t<N != 0>* = nullptr>
+constexpr auto wrap_n_times(Iter i) {
+  return std::make_reverse_iterator(wrap_n_times<N - 1>(i));
+                             std::reverse_iterator<std::reverse_iterator<int*>>>);
+template <size_t InCount, size_t OutCount, class Iter>
 constexpr void test_normal() {
-  S a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
-  S b[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
-  std::copy(Iter(a), Iter(a + 4), Iter(b));
-  assert(std::equal(a, a + 4, b));
+  {
+    S a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+    S b[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+    std::copy(wrap_n_times<InCount>(Iter(a)), wrap_n_times<InCount>(Iter(a + 4)), wrap_n_times<OutCount>(Iter(b)));
+    assert(std::equal(a, a + 4, b));
+  }
+  {
+    S a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+    S b[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+    std::ranges::copy(wrap_n_times<InCount>(Iter(a)),
+                      wrap_n_times<InCount>(Iter(a + 4)),
+                      wrap_n_times<OutCount>(Iter(b)));
+    assert(std::equal(a, a + 4, b));
+  }
+  {
+    S a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+    S b[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+    auto range = std::ranges::subrange(wrap_n_times<InCount>(Iter(a)), wrap_n_times<InCount>(Iter(a + 4)));
+    std::ranges::copy(range, Iter(b));
+    assert(std::equal(a, a + 4, b));
+  }
-template <class Iter>
+template <size_t InCount, size_t OutCount, class Iter>
 constexpr void test_reverse() {
-  S a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
-  S b[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
-  std::copy(std::make_reverse_iterator(Iter(a + 4)),
-            std::make_reverse_iterator(Iter(a)),
-            std::make_reverse_iterator(Iter(b + 4)));
+  {
+    S a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+    S b[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+    std::copy(std::make_reverse_iterator(wrap_n_times<InCount>(Iter(a + 4))),
+              std::make_reverse_iterator(wrap_n_times<InCount>(Iter(a))),
+              std::make_reverse_iterator(wrap_n_times<OutCount>(Iter(b + 4))));
+    assert(std::equal(a, a + 4, b));
+  }
+  {
+    S a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+    S b[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+    std::ranges::copy(std::make_reverse_iterator(wrap_n_times<InCount>(Iter(a + 4))),
+                      std::make_reverse_iterator(wrap_n_times<InCount>(Iter(a))),
+                      std::make_reverse_iterator(wrap_n_times<OutCount>(Iter(b + 4))));
+    assert(std::equal(a, a + 4, b));
+  }
+  {
+    S a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+    S b[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+    auto range = std::ranges::subrange(wrap_n_times<InCount>(std::make_reverse_iterator(Iter(a + 4))),
+                                       wrap_n_times<InCount>(std::make_reverse_iterator(Iter(a))));
+    std::ranges::copy(range, std::make_reverse_iterator(wrap_n_times<OutCount>(Iter(b + 4))));
+    assert(std::equal(a, a + 4, b));
+  }
+template <size_t InCount, size_t OutCount>
+constexpr void test_normal_revese() {
+  test_normal<InCount, OutCount, S*>();
+  test_normal<InCount, OutCount, NotIncrementableIt<S>>();
+  test_reverse<InCount, OutCount, S*>();
+  test_reverse<InCount, OutCount, NotIncrementableIt<S>>();
-template <class Iter>
-constexpr void test_reverse_reverse() {
-  S a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
-  S b[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
-  std::copy(std::make_reverse_iterator(std::make_reverse_iterator(Iter(a))),
-            std::make_reverse_iterator(std::make_reverse_iterator(Iter(a + 4))),
-            std::make_reverse_iterator(std::make_reverse_iterator(Iter(b))));
+template <size_t InCount>
+constexpr void test_out_count() {
+  test_normal_revese<InCount, 0>();
+  test_normal_revese<InCount, 2>();
+  test_normal_revese<InCount, 4>();
+  test_normal_revese<InCount, 6>();
+  test_normal_revese<InCount, 8>();
 constexpr bool test() {
-  test_normal<S*>();
-  test_normal<NotIncrementableIt<S>>();
-  test_reverse<S*>();
-  test_reverse<NotIncrementableIt<S>>();
-  test_reverse_reverse<S*>();
-  test_reverse_reverse<NotIncrementableIt<S>>();
+  test_out_count<0>();
+  test_out_count<2>();
+  test_out_count<4>();
+  test_out_count<6>();
+  test_out_count<8>();
   return true;
diff --git a/libcxx/test/libcxx/algorithms/unwrap_iter.compile.pass.cpp b/libcxx/test/libcxx/algorithms/unwrap_iter.compile.pass.cpp
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcxx/test/libcxx/algorithms/unwrap_iter.compile.pass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14
+// check that std::__unwrap_iter() returns the correct type
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "test_iterators.h"
+template <class Iter>
+using UnwrapT = decltype(std::__unwrap_iter(std::declval<Iter>()));
+template <class Iter>
+using rev_iter = std::reverse_iterator<Iter>;
+template <class Iter>
+using rev_rev_iter = rev_iter<rev_iter<Iter>>;
+static_assert(std::is_same_v<UnwrapT<int*>, int*>);
+static_assert(std::is_same_v<UnwrapT<std::__wrap_iter<int*>>, int*>);
+static_assert(std::is_same_v<UnwrapT<rev_iter<int*>>, std::reverse_iterator<int*>>);
+static_assert(std::is_same_v<UnwrapT<rev_rev_iter<int*>>, int*>);
+static_assert(std::is_same_v<UnwrapT<rev_rev_iter<std::__wrap_iter<int*>>>, int*>);
+static_assert(std::is_same_v<UnwrapT<rev_rev_iter<rev_iter<std::__wrap_iter<int*>>>>, rev_iter<std::__wrap_iter<int*>>>);
+static_assert(std::is_same_v<UnwrapT<random_access_iterator<int*>>, random_access_iterator<int*>>);
+static_assert(std::is_same_v<UnwrapT<rev_iter<random_access_iterator<int*>>>, rev_iter<random_access_iterator<int*>>>);
+static_assert(std::is_same_v<UnwrapT<rev_rev_iter<random_access_iterator<int*>>>, random_access_iterator<int*>>);
+static_assert(std::is_same_v<UnwrapT<rev_rev_iter<rev_iter<random_access_iterator<int*>>>>, rev_iter<random_access_iterator<int*>>>);
diff --git a/libcxx/test/libcxx/iterators/unwrap_iter.pass.cpp b/libcxx/test/libcxx/iterators/unwrap_iter.pass.cpp
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcxx/test/libcxx/iterators/unwrap_iter.pass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// check that std::__unwrap_iter() returns the correct type
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <string>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "test_iterators.h"
+#include "test_macros.h"
+template <class Iter>
+using UnwrapT = decltype(std::__unwrap_iter(std::declval<Iter>()));
+template <class Iter>
+using rev_iter = std::reverse_iterator<Iter>;
+template <class Iter>
+using rev_rev_iter = rev_iter<rev_iter<Iter> >;
+static_assert(std::is_same<UnwrapT<int*>, int*>::value, "");
+static_assert(std::is_same<UnwrapT<std::__wrap_iter<int*> >, int*>::value, "");
+static_assert(std::is_same<UnwrapT<rev_iter<int*> >, std::reverse_iterator<int*> >::value, "");
+static_assert(std::is_same<UnwrapT<rev_rev_iter<int*> >, int*>::value, "");
+static_assert(std::is_same<UnwrapT<rev_rev_iter<std::__wrap_iter<int*> > >, int*>::value, "");
+static_assert(std::is_same<UnwrapT<rev_rev_iter<rev_iter<std::__wrap_iter<int*> > > >, rev_iter<std::__wrap_iter<int*> > >::value, "");
+static_assert(std::is_same<UnwrapT<random_access_iterator<int*> >, random_access_iterator<int*> >::value, "");
+static_assert(std::is_same<UnwrapT<rev_iter<random_access_iterator<int*> > >, rev_iter<random_access_iterator<int*> > >::value, "");
+static_assert(std::is_same<UnwrapT<rev_rev_iter<random_access_iterator<int*> > >, random_access_iterator<int*> >::value, "");
+static_assert(std::is_same<UnwrapT<rev_rev_iter<rev_iter<random_access_iterator<int*> > > >, rev_iter<random_access_iterator<int*> > >::value, "");
+TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 bool test() {
+  std::string str = "Banane";
+  using Iter = std::string::iterator;
+  assert(std::__unwrap_iter(str.begin()) == str.data());
+  assert(std::__unwrap_iter(str.end()) == str.data() + str.size());
+  assert(std::__unwrap_iter(rev_rev_iter<Iter>(rev_iter<Iter>(str.begin()))) == str.data());
+  assert(std::__unwrap_iter(rev_rev_iter<Iter>(rev_iter<Iter>(str.end()))) == str.data() + str.size());
+  return true;
+int main(int, char**) {
+  test();
+#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
+  static_assert(test());
+  return 0;
diff --git a/libcxx/test/libcxx/private_headers.verify.cpp b/libcxx/test/libcxx/private_headers.verify.cpp
--- a/libcxx/test/libcxx/private_headers.verify.cpp
+++ b/libcxx/test/libcxx/private_headers.verify.cpp
@@ -133,6 +133,8 @@
 #include <__algorithm/ranges_minmax.h> // expected-error@*:* {{use of private header from outside its module: '__algorithm/ranges_minmax.h'}}
 #include <__algorithm/ranges_minmax_element.h> // expected-error@*:* {{use of private header from outside its module: '__algorithm/ranges_minmax_element.h'}}
 #include <__algorithm/ranges_mismatch.h> // expected-error@*:* {{use of private header from outside its module: '__algorithm/ranges_mismatch.h'}}
+#include <__algorithm/ranges_move.h> // expected-error@*:* {{use of private header from outside its module: '__algorithm/ranges_move.h'}}
+#include <__algorithm/ranges_move_backward.h> // expected-error@*:* {{use of private header from outside its module: '__algorithm/ranges_move_backward.h'}}
 #include <__algorithm/ranges_none_of.h> // expected-error@*:* {{use of private header from outside its module: '__algorithm/ranges_none_of.h'}}
 #include <__algorithm/ranges_replace.h> // expected-error@*:* {{use of private header from outside its module: '__algorithm/ranges_replace.h'}}
 #include <__algorithm/ranges_replace_if.h> // expected-error@*:* {{use of private header from outside its module: '__algorithm/ranges_replace_if.h'}}
diff --git a/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.move/ranges.move.pass.cpp b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.move/ranges.move.pass.cpp
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.move/ranges.move.pass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// <algorithm>
+// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17
+// UNSUPPORTED: libcpp-has-no-incomplete-ranges
+// template<input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S, weakly_incrementable O>
+//   requires indirectly_movable<I, O>
+//   constexpr ranges::move_result<I, O>
+//     ranges::move(I first, S last, O result);
+// template<input_range R, weakly_incrementable O>
+//   requires indirectly_movable<iterator_t<R>, O>
+//   constexpr ranges::move_result<borrowed_iterator_t<R>, O>
+//     ranges::move(R&& r, O result);
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <ranges>
+#include "almost_satisfies_types.h"
+#include "MoveOnly.h"
+#include "test_iterators.h"
+template <class In, class Out = In, class Sent = sentinel_wrapper<In>>
+concept HasMoveIt = requires(In in, Sent sent, Out out) { std::ranges::move(in, sent, out); };
+static_assert(!HasMoveIt<int*, WeaklyIncrementableNotMovable>);
+struct NotIndirectlyMovable {};
+static_assert(!HasMoveIt<int*, NotIndirectlyMovable*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveIt<int*, int*, SentinelForNotSemiregular>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveIt<int*, int*, SentinelForNotWeaklyEqualityComparableWith>);
+template <class Range, class Out>
+concept HasMoveR = requires(Range range, Out out) { std::ranges::move(range, out); };
+static_assert(HasMoveR<std::array<int, 10>, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveR<InputRangeNotDerivedFrom, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveR<InputRangeNotIndirectlyReadable, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveR<InputRangeNotInputOrOutputIterator, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveR<WeaklyIncrementableNotMovable, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveR<UncheckedRange<NotIndirectlyMovable*>, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveR<InputRangeNotSentinelSemiregular, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveR<InputRangeNotSentinelEqualityComparableWith, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveR<UncheckedRange<int*>, WeaklyIncrementableNotMovable>);
+static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::ranges::move_result<int, long>, std::ranges::in_out_result<int, long>>);
+template <class In, class Out, class Sent, int N>
+constexpr void test(std::array<int, N> in) {
+  {
+    std::array<int, N> out;
+    std::same_as<std::ranges::in_out_result<In, Out>> decltype(auto) ret =
+      std::ranges::move(In(in.data()), Sent(In(in.data() + in.size())), Out(out.data()));
+    assert(in == out);
+    assert(base(ret.in) == in.data() + in.size());
+    assert(base(ret.out) == out.data() + out.size());
+  }
+  {
+    std::array<int, N> out;
+    auto range = std::ranges::subrange(In(in.data()), Sent(In(in.data() + in.size())));
+    std::same_as<std::ranges::in_out_result<In, Out>> decltype(auto) ret =
+        std::ranges::move(range, Out(out.data()));
+    assert(in == out);
+    assert(base(ret.in) == in.data() + in.size());
+    assert(base(ret.out) == out.data() + out.size());
+  }
+template <class In, class Out, class Sent = In>
+constexpr void test_iterators() {
+  // simple test
+  test<In, Out, Sent, 4>({1, 2, 3, 4});
+  // check that an empty range works
+  test<In, Out, Sent, 0>({});
+template <class Out>
+constexpr void test_in_iterators() {
+  test_iterators<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>, Out, sentinel_wrapper<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>>>();
+  test_iterators<forward_iterator<int*>, Out>();
+  test_iterators<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, Out>();
+  test_iterators<random_access_iterator<int*>, Out>();
+  test_iterators<contiguous_iterator<int*>, Out>();
+struct IteratorWithMoveIter {
+  using value_type = int;
+  using difference_type = int;
+  explicit IteratorWithMoveIter() = default;
+  int* ptr;
+  constexpr IteratorWithMoveIter(int* ptr_) : ptr(ptr_) {}
+  constexpr int& operator*() const; // iterator with iter_move should not be dereferenced
+  constexpr IteratorWithMoveIter& operator++() { ++ptr; return *this; }
+  constexpr IteratorWithMoveIter operator++(int) { auto ret = *this; ++*this; return ret; }
+  friend constexpr int iter_move(const IteratorWithMoveIter&) { return 42; }
+  constexpr bool operator==(const IteratorWithMoveIter& other) const = default;
+constexpr bool test() {
+  test_in_iterators<cpp17_output_iterator<int*>>();
+  test_in_iterators<cpp20_output_iterator<int*>>();
+  test_in_iterators<cpp17_input_iterator<int*>>();
+  test_in_iterators<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>>();
+  test_in_iterators<forward_iterator<int*>>();
+  test_in_iterators<bidirectional_iterator<int*>>();
+  test_in_iterators<random_access_iterator<int*>>();
+  test_in_iterators<contiguous_iterator<int*>>();
+  { // check that a move-only type works
+    {
+      MoveOnly a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+      MoveOnly b[3];
+      std::ranges::move(a, std::begin(b));
+      assert(b[0].get() == 1);
+      assert(b[1].get() == 2);
+      assert(b[2].get() == 3);
+    }
+    {
+      MoveOnly a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+      MoveOnly b[3];
+      std::ranges::move(std::begin(a), std::end(a), std::begin(b));
+      assert(b[0].get() == 1);
+      assert(b[1].get() == 2);
+      assert(b[2].get() == 3);
+    }
+  }
+  { // check that ranges::dangling is returned
+    std::array<int, 4> out;
+    std::same_as<std::ranges::in_out_result<std::ranges::dangling, int*>> decltype(auto) ret =
+      std::ranges::move(std::array {1, 2, 3, 4}, out.data());
+    assert(ret.out == out.data() + 4);
+    assert((out == std::array{1, 2, 3, 4}));
+  }
+  { // check that an iterator is returned with a borrowing range
+    std::array in {1, 2, 3, 4};
+    std::array<int, 4> out;
+    std::same_as<std::ranges::in_out_result<int*, int*>> decltype(auto) ret =
+        std::ranges::move(std::views::all(in), out.data());
+    assert(ret.in == in.data() + 4);
+    assert(ret.out == out.data() + 4);
+    assert(in == out);
+  }
+  { // check that every element is moved exactly once
+    struct MoveOnce {
+      bool moved = false;
+      constexpr MoveOnce() = default;
+      constexpr MoveOnce(const MoveOnce& other) = delete;
+      constexpr MoveOnce& operator=(MoveOnce&& other) {
+        assert(!other.moved);
+        moved = true;
+        return *this;
+      }
+    };
+    {
+      std::array<MoveOnce, 4> in {};
+      std::array<MoveOnce, 4> out {};
+      auto ret = std::ranges::move(in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin());
+      assert(ret.in == in.end());
+      assert(ret.out == out.end());
+      assert(std::all_of(out.begin(), out.end(), [](const auto& e) { return e.moved; }));
+    }
+    {
+      std::array<MoveOnce, 4> in {};
+      std::array<MoveOnce, 4> out {};
+      auto ret = std::ranges::move(in, out.begin());
+      assert(ret.in == in.end());
+      assert(ret.out == out.end());
+      assert(std::all_of(out.begin(), out.end(), [](const auto& e) { return e.moved; }));
+    }
+  }
+  { // check that the range is moved forwards
+    struct OnlyForwardsMovable {
+      OnlyForwardsMovable* next = nullptr;
+      bool canMove = false;
+      OnlyForwardsMovable() = default;
+      constexpr OnlyForwardsMovable& operator=(OnlyForwardsMovable&&) {
+        assert(canMove);
+        if (next != nullptr)
+          next->canMove = true;
+        return *this;
+      }
+    };
+    {
+      std::array<OnlyForwardsMovable, 3> in {};
+      std::array<OnlyForwardsMovable, 3> out {};
+      out[0].next = &out[1];
+      out[1].next = &out[2];
+      out[0].canMove = true;
+      auto ret = std::ranges::move(in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin());
+      assert(ret.in == in.end());
+      assert(ret.out == out.end());
+      assert(out[0].canMove);
+      assert(out[1].canMove);
+      assert(out[2].canMove);
+    }
+    {
+      std::array<OnlyForwardsMovable, 3> in {};
+      std::array<OnlyForwardsMovable, 3> out {};
+      out[0].next = &out[1];
+      out[1].next = &out[2];
+      out[0].canMove = true;
+      auto ret = std::ranges::move(in, out.begin());
+      assert(ret.in == in.end());
+      assert(ret.out == out.end());
+      assert(out[0].canMove);
+      assert(out[1].canMove);
+      assert(out[2].canMove);
+    }
+  }
+  { // check that iter_move is used properly
+    {
+      int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+      std::array<int, 4> b;
+      auto ret = std::ranges::move(IteratorWithMoveIter(a), IteratorWithMoveIter(a + 4), b.data());
+      assert(ret.in == a + 4);
+      assert(ret.out == b.data() + 4);
+      assert((b == std::array {42, 42, 42, 42}));
+    }
+    {
+      int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+      std::array<int, 4> b;
+      auto range = std::ranges::subrange(IteratorWithMoveIter(a), IteratorWithMoveIter(a + 4));
+      auto ret = std::ranges::move(range, b.data());
+      assert(ret.in == a + 4);
+      assert(ret.out == b.data() + 4);
+      assert((b == std::array {42, 42, 42, 42}));
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+int main(int, char**) {
+  test();
+  static_assert(test());
+  return 0;
diff --git a/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.move/ranges.move_backward.pass.cpp b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.move/ranges.move_backward.pass.cpp
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.move/ranges.move_backward.pass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// <algorithm>
+// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17
+// UNSUPPORTED: libcpp-has-no-incomplete-ranges
+// template<bidirectional_iterator I1, sentinel_for<I1> S1, bidirectional_iterator I2>
+//   requires indirectly_movable<I1, I2>
+//   constexpr ranges::move_backward_result<I1, I2>
+//     ranges::move_backward(I1 first, S1 last, I2 result);
+// template<bidirectional_range R, bidirectional_iterator I>
+//   requires indirectly_movable<iterator_t<R>, I>
+//   constexpr ranges::move_backward_result<borrowed_iterator_t<R>, I>
+//     ranges::move_backward(R&& r, I result);
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <ranges>
+#include "almost_satisfies_types.h"
+#include "MoveOnly.h"
+#include "test_iterators.h"
+template <class In, class Out = In, class Sent = sentinel_wrapper<In>>
+concept HasMoveBackwardIt = requires(In in, Sent sent, Out out) { std::ranges::move_backward(in, sent, out); };
+static_assert(!HasMoveBackwardIt<int*, WeaklyIncrementableNotMovable>);
+struct NotIndirectlyCopyable {};
+static_assert(!HasMoveBackwardIt<int*, NotIndirectlyCopyable*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveBackwardIt<int*, int*, SentinelForNotSemiregular>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveBackwardIt<int*, int*, SentinelForNotWeaklyEqualityComparableWith>);
+template <class Range, class Out>
+concept HasMoveBackwardR = requires(Range range, Out out) { std::ranges::move_backward(range, out); };
+static_assert(HasMoveBackwardR<std::array<int, 10>, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveBackwardR<InputRangeNotDerivedFrom, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveBackwardR<InputRangeNotIndirectlyReadable, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveBackwardR<InputRangeNotInputOrOutputIterator, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveBackwardR<WeaklyIncrementableNotMovable, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveBackwardR<UncheckedRange<NotIndirectlyCopyable*>, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveBackwardR<InputRangeNotSentinelSemiregular, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveBackwardR<InputRangeNotSentinelEqualityComparableWith, int*>);
+static_assert(!HasMoveBackwardR<UncheckedRange<int*>, WeaklyIncrementableNotMovable>);
+static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::ranges::copy_result<int, long>, std::ranges::in_out_result<int, long>>);
+template <class In, class Out, class Sent, int N>
+constexpr void test(std::array<int, N> in) {
+  {
+    std::array<int, N> out;
+    std::same_as<std::ranges::in_out_result<In, Out>> decltype(auto) ret =
+      std::ranges::move_backward(In(in.data()), Sent(In(in.data() + in.size())), Out(out.data() + out.size()));
+    assert(in == out);
+    assert(base(ret.in) == in.data());
+    assert(base(ret.out) == out.data());
+  }
+  {
+    std::array<int, N> out;
+    auto range = std::ranges::subrange(In(in.data()), Sent(In(in.data() + in.size())));
+    std::same_as<std::ranges::in_out_result<In, Out>> decltype(auto) ret =
+        std::ranges::move_backward(range, Out(out.data() + out.size()));
+    assert(in == out);
+    assert(base(ret.in) == in.data());
+    assert(base(ret.out) == out.data());
+  }
+template <class In, class Out, class Sent = In>
+constexpr void test_iterators() {
+  // simple test
+  test<In, Out, Sent, 4>({1, 2, 3, 4});
+  // check that an empty range works
+  test<In, Out, Sent, 0>({});
+template <class Out>
+constexpr void test_in_iterators() {
+  test_iterators<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, Out, sentinel_wrapper<bidirectional_iterator<int*>>>();
+  test_iterators<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, Out>();
+  test_iterators<random_access_iterator<int*>, Out>();
+  test_iterators<contiguous_iterator<int*>, Out>();
+struct IteratorWithMoveIter {
+  using value_type = int;
+  using difference_type = int;
+  explicit IteratorWithMoveIter() = default;
+  int* ptr;
+  constexpr IteratorWithMoveIter(int* ptr_) : ptr(ptr_) {}
+  constexpr int& operator*() const; // iterator with iter_move should not be dereferenced
+  constexpr IteratorWithMoveIter& operator++() { ++ptr; return *this; }
+  constexpr IteratorWithMoveIter operator++(int) { auto ret = *this; ++*this; return ret; }
+  constexpr IteratorWithMoveIter& operator--() { --ptr; return *this; }
+  constexpr IteratorWithMoveIter operator--(int) { auto ret = *this; --*this; return ret; }
+  friend constexpr int iter_move(const IteratorWithMoveIter&) { return 42; }
+  constexpr bool operator==(const IteratorWithMoveIter& other) const = default;
+constexpr bool test() {
+  test_in_iterators<bidirectional_iterator<int*>>();
+  test_in_iterators<random_access_iterator<int*>>();
+  test_in_iterators<contiguous_iterator<int*>>();
+  { // check that a move-only type works
+    {
+      MoveOnly a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+      MoveOnly b[3];
+      std::ranges::move_backward(a, std::end(b));
+      assert(b[0].get() == 1);
+      assert(b[1].get() == 2);
+      assert(b[2].get() == 3);
+    }
+    {
+      MoveOnly a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+      MoveOnly b[3];
+      std::ranges::move_backward(std::begin(a), std::end(a), std::end(b));
+      assert(b[0].get() == 1);
+      assert(b[1].get() == 2);
+      assert(b[2].get() == 3);
+    }
+  }
+  { // check that ranges::dangling is returned
+    std::array<int, 4> out;
+    std::same_as<std::ranges::in_out_result<std::ranges::dangling, int*>> auto ret =
+      std::ranges::move_backward(std::array {1, 2, 3, 4}, out.data() + out.size());
+    assert(ret.out == out.data());
+    assert((out == std::array{1, 2, 3, 4}));
+  }
+  { // check that an iterator is returned with a borrowing range
+    std::array in {1, 2, 3, 4};
+    std::array<int, 4> out;
+    std::same_as<std::ranges::in_out_result<int*, int*>> auto ret =
+        std::ranges::move_backward(std::views::all(in), out.data() + out.size());
+    assert(ret.in == in.data());
+    assert(ret.out == out.data());
+    assert(in == out);
+  }
+  { // check that every element is moved exactly once
+    struct MoveOnce {
+      bool moved = false;
+      constexpr MoveOnce() = default;
+      constexpr MoveOnce(const MoveOnce& other) = delete;
+      constexpr MoveOnce& operator=(const MoveOnce& other) {
+        assert(!other.moved);
+        moved = true;
+        return *this;
+      }
+    };
+    {
+      std::array<MoveOnce, 4> in {};
+      std::array<MoveOnce, 4> out {};
+      auto ret = std::ranges::move_backward(in.begin(), in.end(), out.end());
+      assert(ret.in == in.begin());
+      assert(ret.out == out.begin());
+      assert(std::all_of(out.begin(), out.end(), [](const auto& e) { return e.moved; }));
+    }
+    {
+      std::array<MoveOnce, 4> in {};
+      std::array<MoveOnce, 4> out {};
+      auto ret = std::ranges::move_backward(in, out.end());
+      assert(ret.in == in.begin());
+      assert(ret.out == out.begin());
+      assert(std::all_of(out.begin(), out.end(), [](const auto& e) { return e.moved; }));
+    }
+  }
+  { // check that the range is moved backwards
+    struct OnlyBackwardsMovable {
+      OnlyBackwardsMovable* next = nullptr;
+      bool canMove = false;
+      OnlyBackwardsMovable() = default;
+      constexpr OnlyBackwardsMovable& operator=(const OnlyBackwardsMovable&) {
+        assert(canMove);
+        if (next != nullptr)
+          next->canMove = true;
+        return *this;
+      }
+    };
+    {
+      std::array<OnlyBackwardsMovable, 3> in {};
+      std::array<OnlyBackwardsMovable, 3> out {};
+      out[1].next = &out[0];
+      out[2].next = &out[1];
+      out[2].canMove = true;
+      auto ret = std::ranges::move_backward(in, out.end());
+      assert(ret.in == in.begin());
+      assert(ret.out == out.begin());
+      assert(out[0].canMove);
+      assert(out[1].canMove);
+      assert(out[2].canMove);
+    }
+    {
+      std::array<OnlyBackwardsMovable, 3> in {};
+      std::array<OnlyBackwardsMovable, 3> out {};
+      out[1].next = &out[0];
+      out[2].next = &out[1];
+      out[2].canMove = true;
+      auto ret = std::ranges::move_backward(in.begin(), in.end(), out.end());
+      assert(ret.in == in.begin());
+      assert(ret.out == out.begin());
+      assert(out[0].canMove);
+      assert(out[1].canMove);
+      assert(out[2].canMove);
+    }
+  }
+  { // check that iter_move is used properly
+    {
+      int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+      std::array<int, 4> b;
+      auto ret = std::ranges::move_backward(IteratorWithMoveIter(a), IteratorWithMoveIter(a + 4), b.data() + b.size());
+      assert(ret.in == a);
+      assert(ret.out == b.data());
+      assert((b == std::array {42, 42, 42, 42}));
+    }
+    {
+      int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+      std::array<int, 4> b;
+      auto range = std::ranges::subrange(IteratorWithMoveIter(a), IteratorWithMoveIter(a + 4));
+      auto ret = std::ranges::move_backward(range, b.data() + b.size());
+      assert(ret.in == a);
+      assert(ret.out == b.data());
+      assert((b == std::array {42, 42, 42, 42}));
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+int main(int, char**) {
+  test();
+  static_assert(test());
+  return 0;
diff --git a/libcxx/test/std/library/description/conventions/customization.point.object/niebloid.compile.pass.cpp b/libcxx/test/std/library/description/conventions/customization.point.object/niebloid.compile.pass.cpp
--- a/libcxx/test/std/library/description/conventions/customization.point.object/niebloid.compile.pass.cpp
+++ b/libcxx/test/std/library/description/conventions/customization.point.object/niebloid.compile.pass.cpp
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
 static_assert(test(std::ranges::minmax, a));
 static_assert(test(std::ranges::minmax_element, a));
 static_assert(test(std::ranges::mismatch, a, a));
-//static_assert(test(std::ranges::move, a, a));
-//static_assert(test(std::ranges::move_backward, a, a));
+static_assert(test(std::ranges::move, a, a));
+static_assert(test(std::ranges::move_backward, a, a));
 //static_assert(test(std::ranges::next_permutation, a));
 static_assert(test(std::ranges::none_of, a, odd));
 //static_assert(test(std::ranges::nth_element, a, a+5));