diff --git a/llvm/test/tools/UpdateTestChecks/update_llc_test_checks/Inputs/asm-show-inst.ll.expected b/llvm/test/tools/UpdateTestChecks/update_llc_test_checks/Inputs/asm-show-inst.ll.expected
--- a/llvm/test/tools/UpdateTestChecks/update_llc_test_checks/Inputs/asm-show-inst.ll.expected
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/UpdateTestChecks/update_llc_test_checks/Inputs/asm-show-inst.ll.expected
@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
 define i8 @add_i8(i8 %a) nounwind {
 ; VERBOSE-LABEL: add_i8:
 ; VERBOSE:       # %bb.0:
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    movb {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %al # <MCInst #1804 MOV8rm
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:2>
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:33>
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    movb {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %al # <MCInst #[[#MCINST1804:]] MOV8rm
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:[[#MCREG2:]]>
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:[[#MCREG33:]]>
 ; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Imm:1>
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:0>
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:[[#MCREG0:]]>
 ; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Imm:4>
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:0>>
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    addb $2, %al # <MCInst #400 ADD8i8
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:[[#MCREG0]]>>
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    addb $2, %al # <MCInst #[[#MCINST400:]] ADD8i8
 ; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Imm:2>>
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    retl # <MCInst #2560 RET32
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:2>>
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    retl # <MCInst #[[#MCINST2560:]] RET32
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:[[#MCREG2]]>>
 ; CHECK-LABEL: add_i8:
 ; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
@@ -30,19 +30,19 @@
 define i32 @add_i32(i32 %a) nounwind {
 ; VERBOSE-LABEL: add_i32:
 ; VERBOSE:       # %bb.0:
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax # <MCInst #1768 MOV32rm
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:22>
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:33>
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax # <MCInst #[[#MCINST1768:]] MOV32rm
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:[[#MCREG22:]]>
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:[[#MCREG33]]>
 ; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Imm:1>
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:0>
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:[[#MCREG0]]>
 ; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Imm:4>
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:0>>
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    addl $2, %eax # <MCInst #387 ADD32ri8
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:22>
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:22>
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:[[#MCREG0]]>>
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    addl $2, %eax # <MCInst #[[#MCINST387:]] ADD32ri8
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:[[#MCREG22]]>
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:[[#MCREG22]]>
 ; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Imm:2>>
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    retl # <MCInst #2560 RET32
-; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:22>>
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    retl # <MCInst #[[#MCINST2560]] RET32
+; VERBOSE-NEXT:    # <MCOperand Reg:[[#MCREG22]]>>
 ; CHECK-LABEL: add_i32:
 ; CHECK:       # %bb.0:
diff --git a/llvm/utils/UpdateTestChecks/asm.py b/llvm/utils/UpdateTestChecks/asm.py
--- a/llvm/utils/UpdateTestChecks/asm.py
+++ b/llvm/utils/UpdateTestChecks/asm.py
@@ -423,9 +423,8 @@
   asm = common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
   return asm
 # Returns a tuple of a scrub function and a function regex. Scrub function is
-# used to alter function body in some way, for example, remove traling spaces.
+# used to alter function body in some way, for example, remove trailing spaces.
 # Function regex is used to match function name, body, etc. in raw llc output.
 def get_run_handler(triple):
   target_handlers = {
@@ -482,10 +481,9 @@
 ##### Generator of assembly CHECK lines
 def add_checks(output_lines, comment_marker, prefix_list, func_dict,
-                   func_name, is_filtered):
+               func_name, global_vars_seen_dict, is_filtered):
   # Label format is based on ASM string.
   check_label_format = '{} %s-LABEL: %s%s%s'.format(comment_marker)
-  global_vars_seen_dict = {}
   common.add_checks(output_lines, comment_marker, prefix_list, func_dict,
                     func_name, check_label_format, True, False,
-                    global_vars_seen_dict, is_filtered = is_filtered)
+                    global_vars_seen_dict, is_filtered=is_filtered)
diff --git a/llvm/utils/UpdateTestChecks/common.py b/llvm/utils/UpdateTestChecks/common.py
--- a/llvm/utils/UpdateTestChecks/common.py
+++ b/llvm/utils/UpdateTestChecks/common.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import argparse
 import copy
 import glob
+import itertools
 import os
 import re
 import subprocess
@@ -596,7 +597,7 @@
 class NamelessValue:
   def __init__(self, check_prefix, check_key, ir_prefix, global_ir_prefix, global_ir_prefix_regexp,
-               ir_regexp, global_ir_rhs_regexp, is_before_functions):
+               ir_regexp, global_ir_rhs_regexp, is_before_functions, is_number=False):
     self.check_prefix = check_prefix
     self.check_key = check_key
     self.ir_prefix = ir_prefix
@@ -605,6 +606,7 @@
     self.ir_regexp = ir_regexp
     self.global_ir_rhs_regexp = global_ir_rhs_regexp
     self.is_before_functions = is_before_functions
+    self.is_number = is_number
   # Return true if this kind of IR value is "local", basically if it matches '%{{.*}}'.
   def is_local_def_ir_value_match(self, match):
@@ -635,23 +637,29 @@
     # for backwards compatibility we check locals with '.*'
     varname = get_value_name(var, self.check_prefix)
     prefix = self.get_ir_prefix_from_ir_value_match(match)[0]
-    regex = self.get_ir_regex_from_ir_value_re_match(match)
+    if self.is_number:
+      regex = ''  # always capture a number in the default format
+      capture_start = '[[#'
+    else:
+      regex = self.get_ir_regex_from_ir_value_re_match(match)
+      capture_start = '[['
     if self.is_local_def_ir_value_match(match):
-      return '[[' + varname + ':' + prefix + regex + ']]'
-    return prefix + '[[' + varname + ':' + regex + ']]'
+      return capture_start + varname + ':' + prefix + regex + ']]'
+    return prefix + capture_start + varname + ':' + regex + ']]'
   # Use a FileCheck variable.
   def get_value_use(self, var, match, var_prefix=None):
     if var_prefix is None:
       var_prefix = self.check_prefix
+    capture_start = '[[#' if self.is_number else '[['
     if self.is_local_def_ir_value_match(match):
-      return '[[' + get_value_name(var, var_prefix) + ']]'
+      return capture_start + get_value_name(var, var_prefix) + ']]'
     prefix = self.get_ir_prefix_from_ir_value_match(match)[0]
-    return prefix + '[[' + get_value_name(var, var_prefix) + ']]'
+    return prefix + capture_start + get_value_name(var, var_prefix) + ']]'
 # Description of the different "unnamed" values we match in the IR, e.g.,
 # (local) ssa values, (debug) metadata, etc.
-nameless_values = [
+ir_nameless_values = [
     NamelessValue(r'TMP'  , '%' , r'%'           , None            , None                   , r'[\w$.-]+?' , None                 , False) ,
     NamelessValue(r'ATTR' , '#' , r'#'           , None            , None                   , r'[0-9]+'    , None                 , False) ,
     NamelessValue(r'ATTR' , '#' , None           , r'attributes #' , r'[0-9]+'              , None         , r'{[^}]*}'           , False) ,
@@ -666,6 +674,11 @@
     NamelessValue(r'META' , '!' , None           , r''             , r'![0-9]+'             , None         , r'(?:distinct |)!.*' , False) ,
+asm_nameless_values = [
+ NamelessValue(r'MCINST', 'Inst#', None, '<MCInst #', r'\d+', None, r'.+', False, True),
+ NamelessValue(r'MCREG',  'Reg:', None, '<MCOperand Reg:', r'\d+', None, r'.+', False, True),
 def createOrRegexp(old, new):
   if not old:
     return new
@@ -684,7 +697,7 @@
 # other locations will need adjustment as well.
-for nameless_value in nameless_values:
+for nameless_value in ir_nameless_values:
   lcl_match = createPrefixMatch(nameless_value.ir_prefix, nameless_value.ir_regexp)
   glb_match = createPrefixMatch(nameless_value.global_ir_prefix, nameless_value.global_ir_prefix_regexp)
   assert((lcl_match or glb_match) and not (lcl_match and glb_match))
@@ -695,6 +708,15 @@
 IR_VALUE_REGEXP_SUFFIX = r'([,\s\(\)]|\Z)'
+# Build the regexp that matches an "ASM value" (currently only for --asm-show-inst comments).
+for nameless_value in asm_nameless_values:
+  glb_match = createPrefixMatch(nameless_value.global_ir_prefix, nameless_value.global_ir_prefix_regexp)
+  assert not nameless_value.ir_prefix and not nameless_value.ir_regexp
+ASM_VALUE_RE = re.compile(r'((?:#|//)\s*)' + '(' + ASM_VALUE_REGEXP_STRING + ')' + ASM_VALUE_REGEXP_SUFFIX)
 # The entire match is group 0, the prefix has one group (=1), the entire
 # IR_VALUE_REGEXP_STRING is one group (=2), and then the nameless values start.
 first_nameless_group_in_ir_value_match = 3
@@ -738,7 +760,9 @@
   var = var.replace('-', '_')
   return var.upper()
-def generalize_check_lines(lines, is_analyze, vars_seen, global_vars_seen):
+def generalize_check_lines_common(lines, is_analyze, vars_seen,
+                                  global_vars_seen, nameless_values,
+                                  nameless_value_regex, is_asm):
   # This gets called for each match that occurs in
   # a line. We transform variables we haven't seen
   # into defs, and variables we have seen into uses.
@@ -771,26 +795,38 @@
   lines_with_def = []
   for i, line in enumerate(lines):
-    # An IR variable named '%.' matches the FileCheck regex string.
-    line = line.replace('%.', '%dot')
-    for regex in _global_hex_value_regex:
-      if re.match('^@' + regex + ' = ', line):
-        line = re.sub(r'\bi([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)',
-            lambda m : 'i' + m.group(1) + ' [[#' + hex(int(m.group(2))) + ']]',
-            line)
-        break
-    # Ignore any comments, since the check lines will too.
-    scrubbed_line = SCRUB_IR_COMMENT_RE.sub(r'', line)
-    lines[i] = scrubbed_line
-    if not is_analyze:
+    if not is_asm:
+      # An IR variable named '%.' matches the FileCheck regex string.
+      line = line.replace('%.', '%dot')
+      for regex in _global_hex_value_regex:
+        if re.match('^@' + regex + ' = ', line):
+          line = re.sub(r'\bi([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)',
+              lambda m : 'i' + m.group(1) + ' [[#' + hex(int(m.group(2))) + ']]',
+              line)
+          break
+      # Ignore any comments, since the check lines will too.
+      scrubbed_line = SCRUB_IR_COMMENT_RE.sub(r'', line)
+      lines[i] = scrubbed_line
+    if is_asm or not is_analyze:
       # It can happen that two matches are back-to-back and for some reason sub
       # will not replace both of them. For now we work around this by
       # substituting until there is no more match.
       changed = True
       while changed:
-        (lines[i], changed) = IR_VALUE_RE.subn(transform_line_vars, lines[i], count=1)
+        (lines[i], changed) = nameless_value_regex.subn(transform_line_vars,
+                                                        lines[i], count=1)
   return lines
+# Replace IR value defs and uses with FileCheck variables.
+def generalize_check_lines(lines, is_analyze, vars_seen, global_vars_seen):
+  return generalize_check_lines_common(lines, is_analyze, vars_seen,
+                                       global_vars_seen, ir_nameless_values,
+                                       IR_VALUE_RE, False)
+def generalize_asm_check_lines(lines, vars_seen, global_vars_seen):
+  return generalize_check_lines_common(lines, False, vars_seen,
+                                       global_vars_seen, asm_nameless_values,
+                                       ASM_VALUE_RE, True)
 def add_checks(output_lines, comment_marker, prefix_list, func_dict, func_name, check_label_format, is_backend, is_analyze, global_vars_seen_dict, is_filtered):
   # prefix_exclusions are prefixes we cannot use to print the function because it doesn't exist in run lines that use these prefixes as well.
@@ -843,7 +879,8 @@
       if attrs:
         output_lines.append('%s %s: Function Attrs: %s' % (comment_marker, checkprefix, attrs))
       args_and_sig = str(func_dict[checkprefix][func_name].args_and_sig)
-      args_and_sig = generalize_check_lines([args_and_sig], is_analyze, vars_seen, global_vars_seen)[0]
+      if args_and_sig:
+        args_and_sig = generalize_check_lines([args_and_sig], is_analyze, vars_seen, global_vars_seen)[0]
       func_name_separator = func_dict[checkprefix][func_name].func_name_separator
       if '[[' in args_and_sig:
         output_lines.append(check_label_format % (checkprefix, func_name, '', func_name_separator))
@@ -864,13 +901,19 @@
           body_start = 0
           output_lines.append('%s %s:       %s' % (comment_marker, checkprefix, func_body[0]))
-        for func_line in func_body[body_start:]:
+        func_lines = generalize_asm_check_lines(func_body[body_start:],
+                                                vars_seen, global_vars_seen)
+        for func_line in func_lines:
           if func_line.strip() == '':
             output_lines.append('%s %s-EMPTY:' % (comment_marker, checkprefix))
             check_suffix = '-NEXT' if not is_filtered else ''
             output_lines.append('%s %s%s:  %s' % (comment_marker, checkprefix,
                                                   check_suffix, func_line))
+        # Remember new global variables we have not seen before
+        for key in global_vars_seen:
+          if key not in global_vars_seen_before:
+            global_vars_seen_dict[checkprefix][key] = global_vars_seen[key]
       # For IR output, change all defs to FileCheck variables, so we're immune
@@ -911,7 +954,7 @@
       # line of code in the test function.
-      # Remembe new global variables we have not seen before
+      # Remember new global variables we have not seen before
       for key in global_vars_seen:
         if key not in global_vars_seen_before:
           global_vars_seen_dict[checkprefix][key] = global_vars_seen[key]
@@ -935,7 +978,7 @@
 def build_global_values_dictionary(glob_val_dict, raw_tool_output, prefixes):
-  for nameless_value in nameless_values:
+  for nameless_value in itertools.chain(ir_nameless_values, asm_nameless_values):
     if nameless_value.global_ir_prefix is None:
@@ -963,7 +1006,7 @@
 def add_global_checks(glob_val_dict, comment_marker, prefix_list, output_lines, global_vars_seen_dict, is_analyze, is_before_functions):
   printed_prefixes = set()
-  for nameless_value in nameless_values:
+  for nameless_value in ir_nameless_values:
     if nameless_value.global_ir_prefix is None:
     if nameless_value.is_before_functions != is_before_functions:
diff --git a/llvm/utils/UpdateTestChecks/isel.py b/llvm/utils/UpdateTestChecks/isel.py
--- a/llvm/utils/UpdateTestChecks/isel.py
+++ b/llvm/utils/UpdateTestChecks/isel.py
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@
 ##### Generator of iSel CHECK lines
-def add_checks(output_lines, comment_marker, prefix_list, func_dict, func_name, is_filtered):
+def add_checks(output_lines, comment_marker, prefix_list, func_dict, func_name,
+               global_vars_seen_dict, is_filtered):
   # Label format is based on iSel string.
   check_label_format = '{} %s-LABEL: %s%s%s'.format(comment_marker)
-  global_vars_seen_dict = {}
   common.add_checks(output_lines, comment_marker, prefix_list, func_dict,
                     func_name, check_label_format, True, False,
                     global_vars_seen_dict, is_filtered = is_filtered)
diff --git a/llvm/utils/update_cc_test_checks.py b/llvm/utils/update_cc_test_checks.py
--- a/llvm/utils/update_cc_test_checks.py
+++ b/llvm/utils/update_cc_test_checks.py
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
           asm.add_checks(my_output_lines, '//',
-                             func_dict, func,
+                             func_dict, func, global_vars_seen_dict,
       if ti.args.check_globals:
diff --git a/llvm/utils/update_llc_test_checks.py b/llvm/utils/update_llc_test_checks.py
--- a/llvm/utils/update_llc_test_checks.py
+++ b/llvm/utils/update_llc_test_checks.py
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@
       builder.process_run_line(function_re, scrubber, raw_tool_output, prefixes, True)
     func_dict = builder.finish_and_get_func_dict()
+    global_vars_seen_dict = {}
     is_in_function = False
     is_in_function_start = False
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@
                                                   check_indent + ';',
                                                   prefixes, func_dict, func,
+                                                  global_vars_seen_dict,
       for input_info in ti.iterlines(output_lines):
@@ -185,8 +187,8 @@
           # Print out the various check lines here.
           output_type.add_checks(output_lines, check_indent + ';', run_list,
-                             func_dict, func_name,
-                             is_filtered=builder.is_filtered())
+                                 func_dict, func_name, global_vars_seen_dict,
+                                 is_filtered=builder.is_filtered())
           is_in_function_start = False
         if is_in_function: