diff --git a/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/critical.f90 b/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/critical.f90
--- a/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/critical.f90
+++ b/flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/critical.f90
@@ -1,41 +1,36 @@
-!RUN: %flang_fc1 -emit-fir -fopenmp %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix="FIRDialect"
-!RUN: %flang_fc1 -emit-fir -fopenmp %s -o - | fir-opt --fir-to-llvm-ir | FileCheck %s --check-prefix="LLVMDialect"
+!RUN: %flang_fc1 -emit-fir -fopenmp %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes="OMPDialect"
+!RUN: %flang_fc1 -emit-fir -fopenmp %s -o - | fir-opt --fir-to-llvm-ir | FileCheck %s --check-prefix="OMPDialect"
 !RUN: %flang_fc1 -emit-fir -fopenmp %s -o - | fir-opt --fir-to-llvm-ir | tco | FileCheck %s --check-prefix="LLVMIR"
+!OMPDialect: omp.critical.declare @help2 hint(none)
+!OMPDialect: omp.critical.declare @help1 hint(contended)
 subroutine omp_critical()
   use omp_lib
   integer :: x, y
-!FIRDialect: omp.critical.declare @help hint(contended)
-!LLVMDialect: omp.critical.declare @help hint(contended)
-!FIRDialect: omp.critical(@help)
-!LLVMDialect: omp.critical(@help)
-!LLVMIR: call void @__kmpc_critical_with_hint({{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} @{{.*}}help.var, i32 2)
-!$OMP CRITICAL(help) HINT(omp_lock_hint_contended)
+!OMPDialect: omp.critical(@help1)
+!LLVMIR: call void @__kmpc_critical_with_hint({{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} @{{.*}}help1.var, i32 2)
+!$OMP CRITICAL(help1) HINT(omp_lock_hint_contended)
   x = x + y
-!FIRDialect: omp.terminator
-!LLVMDialect: omp.terminator
-!LLVMIR: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} @{{.*}}help.var)
+!OMPDialect: omp.terminator
+!LLVMIR: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} @{{.*}}help1.var)
 ! Test that the same name can be used again
 ! Also test with the zero hint expression
-!FIRDialect: omp.critical(@help)
-!LLVMDialect: omp.critical(@help)
-!LLVMIR: call void @__kmpc_critical_with_hint({{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} @{{.*}}help.var, i32 2)
-!$OMP CRITICAL(help) HINT(omp_lock_hint_none)
+!OMPDialect: omp.critical(@help2)
+!LLVMIR: call void @__kmpc_critical_with_hint({{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} @{{.*}}help2.var, i32 0)
+!$OMP CRITICAL(help2) HINT(omp_lock_hint_none)
   x = x - y
-!FIRDialect: omp.terminator
-!LLVMDialect: omp.terminator
-!LLVMIR: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} @{{.*}}help.var)
+!OMPDialect: omp.terminator
+!LLVMIR: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} @{{.*}}help2.var)
-!FIRDialect: omp.critical
-!LLVMDialect: omp.critical
+!OMPDialect: omp.critical
 !LLVMIR: call void @__kmpc_critical({{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} @{{.*}}_.var)
   y = x + y
-!FIRDialect: omp.terminator
-!LLVMDialect: omp.terminator
+!OMPDialect: omp.terminator
 !LLVMIR: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}} @{{.*}}_.var)
 end subroutine omp_critical
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPOps.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPOps.td
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPOps.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/OpenMP/OpenMPOps.td
@@ -946,6 +946,7 @@
     $region attr-dict
   let hasRegionVerifier = 1;
+  let hasVerifier = 1;
   let extraClassDeclaration = [{
     /// Returns the first operation in atomic capture region
     Operation* getFirstOp();
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/OpenMP/IR/OpenMPDialect.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/OpenMP/IR/OpenMPDialect.cpp
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/OpenMP/IR/OpenMPDialect.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/OpenMP/IR/OpenMPDialect.cpp
@@ -382,6 +382,10 @@
                                             IntegerAttr &hintAttr) {
   StringRef hintKeyword;
   int64_t hint = 0;
+  if (succeeded(parser.parseOptionalKeyword("none"))) {
+    hintAttr = IntegerAttr::get(parser.getBuilder().getI64Type(), 0);
+    return success();
+  }
   do {
     if (failed(parser.parseKeyword(&hintKeyword)))
       return failure();
@@ -406,8 +410,10 @@
                                      IntegerAttr hintAttr) {
   int64_t hint = hintAttr.getInt();
-  if (hint == 0)
+  if (hint == 0) {
+    p << "none";
+  }
   // Helper function to get n-th bit from the right end of `value`
   auto bitn = [](int value, int n) -> bool { return value & (1 << n); };
@@ -864,7 +870,7 @@
                      "element type is the same as that of the region argument");
-  return success();
+  return verifySynchronizationHint(*this, hint_val());
 LogicalResult AtomicUpdateOp::verifyRegions() {
@@ -915,6 +921,10 @@
   return dyn_cast<AtomicUpdateOp>(getSecondOp());
+LogicalResult AtomicCaptureOp::verify() {
+  return verifySynchronizationHint(*this, hint_val());
 LogicalResult AtomicCaptureOp::verifyRegions() {
   Block::OpListType &ops = region().front().getOperations();
   if (ops.size() != 3)
@@ -949,6 +959,10 @@
     return firstReadStmt.emitError()
            << "captured variable in omp.atomic.read must be updated in "
               "second operation";
+  if (getFirstOp()->getAttr("hint_val") || getSecondOp()->getAttr("hint_val"))
+    return emitOpError(
+        "operations inside capture region must not have hint clause");
   return success();
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/OpenMP/invalid.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/OpenMP/invalid.mlir
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/OpenMP/invalid.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/OpenMP/invalid.mlir
@@ -708,6 +708,42 @@
 // -----
+func @omp_atomic_update(%x: memref<i32>, %expr: i32) {
+  // expected-error @below {{the hints omp_sync_hint_uncontended and omp_sync_hint_contended cannot be combined}}
+  omp.atomic.update hint(uncontended, contended) %x : memref<i32> {
+  ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+    %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+    omp.yield (%newval : i32)
+  }
+  return
+// -----
+func @omp_atomic_update(%x: memref<i32>, %expr: i32) {
+  // expected-error @below {{the hints omp_sync_hint_nonspeculative and omp_sync_hint_speculative cannot be combined}}
+  omp.atomic.update hint(nonspeculative, speculative) %x : memref<i32> {
+  ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+    %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+    omp.yield (%newval : i32)
+  }
+  return
+// -----
+func @omp_atomic_update(%x: memref<i32>, %expr: i32) {
+  // expected-error @below {{invalid_hint is not a valid hint}}
+  omp.atomic.update hint(invalid_hint) %x : memref<i32> {
+  ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+    %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+    omp.yield (%newval : i32)
+  }
+  return
+// -----
 func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref<i32>, %v: memref<i32>, %expr: i32) {
   // expected-error @below {{expected three operations in omp.atomic.capture region}}
   omp.atomic.capture {
@@ -848,6 +884,66 @@
 // -----
+func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref<i32>, %v: memref<i32>, %expr: i32) {
+  // expected-error @below {{the hints omp_sync_hint_uncontended and omp_sync_hint_contended cannot be combined}}
+  omp.atomic.capture hint(contended, uncontended) {
+    omp.atomic.update %x : memref<i32> {
+    ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+      %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+      omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+    }
+    omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref<i32>
+  }
+  return
+// -----
+func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref<i32>, %v: memref<i32>, %expr: i32) {
+  // expected-error @below {{the hints omp_sync_hint_nonspeculative and omp_sync_hint_speculative cannot be combined}}
+  omp.atomic.capture hint(nonspeculative, speculative) {
+    omp.atomic.update %x : memref<i32> {
+    ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+      %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+      omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+    }
+    omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref<i32>
+  }
+  return
+// -----
+func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref<i32>, %v: memref<i32>, %expr: i32) {
+  // expected-error @below {{invalid_hint is not a valid hint}}
+  omp.atomic.capture hint(invalid_hint) {
+    omp.atomic.update %x : memref<i32> {
+    ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+      %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+      omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+    }
+    omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref<i32>
+  }
+  return
+// -----
+func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref<i32>, %v: memref<i32>, %expr: i32) {
+  // expected-error @below {{operations inside capture region must not have hint clause}}
+  omp.atomic.capture {
+    omp.atomic.update hint(uncontended) %x : memref<i32> {
+    ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+      %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+      omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+    }
+    omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref<i32>
+  }
+  return
+// -----
 func @omp_sections(%data_var : memref<i32>) -> () {
   // expected-error @below {{expected equal sizes for allocate and allocator variables}}
   "omp.sections" (%data_var) ({
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/OpenMP/ops.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/OpenMP/ops.mlir
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/OpenMP/ops.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/OpenMP/ops.mlir
@@ -583,6 +583,10 @@
 omp.critical.declare @mutex7 hint(uncontended, speculative)
 // CHECK: omp.critical.declare @mutex8 hint(contended, speculative)
 omp.critical.declare @mutex8 hint(contended, speculative)
+// CHECK: omp.critical.declare @mutex9 hint(none)
+omp.critical.declare @mutex9 hint(none)
+// CHECK: omp.critical.declare @mutex10
+omp.critical.declare @mutex10
 // CHECK-LABEL: omp_critical
@@ -657,6 +661,8 @@
   omp.atomic.read %v = %x hint(nonspeculative, contended) : memref<i32>
   // CHECK: omp.atomic.read %[[v]] = %[[x]] memory_order(seq_cst) hint(contended, speculative) : memref<i32>
   omp.atomic.read %v = %x hint(speculative, contended) memory_order(seq_cst) : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.read %[[v]] = %[[x]] memory_order(seq_cst) hint(none) : memref<i32>
+  omp.atomic.read %v = %x hint(none) memory_order(seq_cst) : memref<i32>
@@ -673,6 +679,8 @@
   omp.atomic.write %addr = %val memory_order(relaxed) : memref<i32>, i32
   // CHECK: omp.atomic.write %[[ADDR]] = %[[VAL]] hint(uncontended, speculative) : memref<i32>, i32
   omp.atomic.write %addr = %val hint(speculative, uncontended) : memref<i32>, i32
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.write %[[ADDR]] = %[[VAL]] hint(none) : memref<i32>, i32
+  omp.atomic.write %addr = %val hint(none) : memref<i32>, i32
@@ -728,6 +736,97 @@
     %newval = llvm.icmp "eq" %xval, %exprBool : i1
     omp.yield(%newval : i1)
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.update hint(none) %[[X]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[XVAL:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[NEWVAL:.*]] = llvm.add %[[XVAL]], %[[EXPR]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[NEWVAL]] : i32)
+  omp.atomic.update hint(none) %x : memref<i32> {
+  ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+    %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+    omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.update hint(uncontended) %[[X]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[XVAL:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[NEWVAL:.*]] = llvm.add %[[XVAL]], %[[EXPR]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[NEWVAL]] : i32)
+  omp.atomic.update hint(uncontended) %x : memref<i32> {
+  ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+    %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+    omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.update hint(contended) %[[X]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[XVAL:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[NEWVAL:.*]] = llvm.add %[[XVAL]], %[[EXPR]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[NEWVAL]] : i32)
+  omp.atomic.update hint(contended) %x : memref<i32> {
+  ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+    %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+    omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.update hint(nonspeculative) %[[X]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[XVAL:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[NEWVAL:.*]] = llvm.add %[[XVAL]], %[[EXPR]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[NEWVAL]] : i32)
+  omp.atomic.update hint(nonspeculative) %x : memref<i32> {
+  ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+    %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+    omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.update hint(speculative) %[[X]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[XVAL:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[NEWVAL:.*]] = llvm.add %[[XVAL]], %[[EXPR]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[NEWVAL]] : i32)
+  omp.atomic.update hint(speculative) %x : memref<i32> {
+  ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+    %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+    omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.update hint(uncontended, nonspeculative) %[[X]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[XVAL:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[NEWVAL:.*]] = llvm.add %[[XVAL]], %[[EXPR]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[NEWVAL]] : i32)
+  omp.atomic.update hint(uncontended, nonspeculative) %x : memref<i32> {
+  ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+    %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+    omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.update hint(contended, nonspeculative) %[[X]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[XVAL:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[NEWVAL:.*]] = llvm.add %[[XVAL]], %[[EXPR]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[NEWVAL]] : i32)
+  omp.atomic.update hint(contended, nonspeculative) %x : memref<i32> {
+  ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+    %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+    omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.update hint(uncontended, speculative) %[[X]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[XVAL:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[NEWVAL:.*]] = llvm.add %[[XVAL]], %[[EXPR]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[NEWVAL]] : i32)
+  omp.atomic.update hint(uncontended, speculative) %x : memref<i32> {
+  ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+    %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+    omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.update hint(contended, speculative) %[[X]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[XVAL:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[NEWVAL:.*]] = llvm.add %[[XVAL]], %[[EXPR]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[NEWVAL]] : i32)
+  omp.atomic.update hint(contended, speculative) %x : memref<i32> {
+  ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+    %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+    omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+  }
@@ -774,6 +873,159 @@
     omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref<i32>
     omp.atomic.write %x = %expr : memref<i32>, i32
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.capture hint(none) {
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.update %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[xval:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[newval:.*]] = llvm.add %[[xval]], %[[expr]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[newval]] : i32)
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.read %[[v]] = %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  omp.atomic.capture hint(none) {
+    omp.atomic.update %x : memref<i32> {
+    ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+      %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+      omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+    }
+    omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref<i32>
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.capture hint(uncontended) {
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.update %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[xval:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[newval:.*]] = llvm.add %[[xval]], %[[expr]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[newval]] : i32)
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.read %[[v]] = %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  omp.atomic.capture hint(uncontended) {
+    omp.atomic.update %x : memref<i32> {
+    ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+      %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+      omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+    }
+    omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref<i32>
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.capture hint(contended) {
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.update %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[xval:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[newval:.*]] = llvm.add %[[xval]], %[[expr]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[newval]] : i32)
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.read %[[v]] = %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  omp.atomic.capture hint(contended) {
+    omp.atomic.update %x : memref<i32> {
+    ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+      %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+      omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+    }
+    omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref<i32>
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.capture hint(nonspeculative) {
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.update %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[xval:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[newval:.*]] = llvm.add %[[xval]], %[[expr]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[newval]] : i32)
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.read %[[v]] = %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  omp.atomic.capture hint(nonspeculative) {
+    omp.atomic.update %x : memref<i32> {
+    ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+      %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+      omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+    }
+    omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref<i32>
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.capture hint(speculative) {
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.update %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[xval:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[newval:.*]] = llvm.add %[[xval]], %[[expr]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[newval]] : i32)
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.read %[[v]] = %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  omp.atomic.capture hint(speculative) {
+    omp.atomic.update %x : memref<i32> {
+    ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+      %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+      omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+    }
+    omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref<i32>
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.capture hint(uncontended, nonspeculative) {
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.update %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[xval:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[newval:.*]] = llvm.add %[[xval]], %[[expr]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[newval]] : i32)
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.read %[[v]] = %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  omp.atomic.capture hint(uncontended, nonspeculative) {
+    omp.atomic.update %x : memref<i32> {
+    ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+      %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+      omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+    }
+    omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref<i32>
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.capture hint(contended, nonspeculative) {
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.update %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[xval:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[newval:.*]] = llvm.add %[[xval]], %[[expr]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[newval]] : i32)
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.read %[[v]] = %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  omp.atomic.capture hint(contended, nonspeculative) {
+    omp.atomic.update %x : memref<i32> {
+    ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+      %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+      omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+    }
+    omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref<i32>
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.capture hint(uncontended, speculative) {
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.update %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[xval:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[newval:.*]] = llvm.add %[[xval]], %[[expr]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[newval]] : i32)
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.read %[[v]] = %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  omp.atomic.capture hint(uncontended, speculative) {
+    omp.atomic.update %x : memref<i32> {
+    ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+      %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+      omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+    }
+    omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref<i32>
+  }
+  // CHECK: omp.atomic.capture hint(contended, speculative) {
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.update %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: (%[[xval:.*]]: i32):
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   %[[newval:.*]] = llvm.add %[[xval]], %[[expr]] : i32
+  // CHECK-NEXT:   omp.yield(%[[newval]] : i32)
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  // CHECK-NEXT: omp.atomic.read %[[v]] = %[[x]] : memref<i32>
+  // CHECK-NEXT: }
+  omp.atomic.capture hint(contended, speculative) {
+    omp.atomic.update %x : memref<i32> {
+    ^bb0(%xval: i32):
+      %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32
+      omp.yield(%newval : i32)
+    }
+    omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref<i32>
+  }
diff --git a/mlir/test/Target/LLVMIR/openmp-llvm.mlir b/mlir/test/Target/LLVMIR/openmp-llvm.mlir
--- a/mlir/test/Target/LLVMIR/openmp-llvm.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Target/LLVMIR/openmp-llvm.mlir
@@ -891,7 +891,15 @@
 // -----
-omp.critical.declare @mutex hint(contended)
+omp.critical.declare @mutex_none hint(none) // 0
+omp.critical.declare @mutex_uncontended hint(uncontended) // 1
+omp.critical.declare @mutex_contended hint(contended) // 2
+omp.critical.declare @mutex_nonspeculative hint(nonspeculative) // 4
+omp.critical.declare @mutex_nonspeculative_uncontended hint(nonspeculative, uncontended) // 5
+omp.critical.declare @mutex_nonspeculative_contended hint(nonspeculative, contended) // 6
+omp.critical.declare @mutex_speculative hint(speculative) // 8
+omp.critical.declare @mutex_speculative_uncontended hint(speculative, uncontended) // 9
+omp.critical.declare @mutex_speculative_contended hint(speculative, contended) // 10
 // CHECK-LABEL: @omp_critical
 llvm.func @omp_critical(%x : !llvm.ptr<i32>, %xval : i32) -> () {
@@ -905,15 +913,95 @@
   // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}critical_user_.var{{.*}})
-  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_critical_with_hint({{.*}}critical_user_mutex.var{{.*}}, i32 2)
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_critical_with_hint({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_none.var{{.*}}, i32 0)
   // CHECK: br label %omp.critical.region
   // CHECK: omp.critical.region
-  omp.critical(@mutex) {
+  omp.critical(@mutex_none) {
   // CHECK: store
     llvm.store %xval, %x : !llvm.ptr<i32>
-  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}critical_user_mutex.var{{.*}})
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_none.var{{.*}})
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_critical_with_hint({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_uncontended.var{{.*}}, i32 1)
+  // CHECK: br label %omp.critical.region
+  // CHECK: omp.critical.region
+  omp.critical(@mutex_uncontended) {
+  // CHECK: store
+    llvm.store %xval, %x : !llvm.ptr<i32>
+    omp.terminator
+  }
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_uncontended.var{{.*}})
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_critical_with_hint({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_contended.var{{.*}}, i32 2)
+  // CHECK: br label %omp.critical.region
+  // CHECK: omp.critical.region
+  omp.critical(@mutex_contended) {
+  // CHECK: store
+    llvm.store %xval, %x : !llvm.ptr<i32>
+    omp.terminator
+  }
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_contended.var{{.*}})
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_critical_with_hint({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_nonspeculative.var{{.*}}, i32 4)
+  // CHECK: br label %omp.critical.region
+  // CHECK: omp.critical.region
+  omp.critical(@mutex_nonspeculative) {
+  // CHECK: store
+    llvm.store %xval, %x : !llvm.ptr<i32>
+    omp.terminator
+  }
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_nonspeculative.var{{.*}})
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_critical_with_hint({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_nonspeculative_uncontended.var{{.*}}, i32 5)
+  // CHECK: br label %omp.critical.region
+  // CHECK: omp.critical.region
+  omp.critical(@mutex_nonspeculative_uncontended) {
+  // CHECK: store
+    llvm.store %xval, %x : !llvm.ptr<i32>
+    omp.terminator
+  }
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_nonspeculative_uncontended.var{{.*}})
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_critical_with_hint({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_nonspeculative_contended.var{{.*}}, i32 6)
+  // CHECK: br label %omp.critical.region
+  // CHECK: omp.critical.region
+  omp.critical(@mutex_nonspeculative_contended) {
+  // CHECK: store
+    llvm.store %xval, %x : !llvm.ptr<i32>
+    omp.terminator
+  }
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_nonspeculative_contended.var{{.*}})
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_critical_with_hint({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_speculative.var{{.*}}, i32 8)
+  // CHECK: br label %omp.critical.region
+  // CHECK: omp.critical.region
+  omp.critical(@mutex_speculative) {
+  // CHECK: store
+    llvm.store %xval, %x : !llvm.ptr<i32>
+    omp.terminator
+  }
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_speculative.var{{.*}})
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_critical_with_hint({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_speculative_uncontended.var{{.*}}, i32 9)
+  // CHECK: br label %omp.critical.region
+  // CHECK: omp.critical.region
+  omp.critical(@mutex_speculative_uncontended) {
+  // CHECK: store
+    llvm.store %xval, %x : !llvm.ptr<i32>
+    omp.terminator
+  }
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_speculative_uncontended.var{{.*}})
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_critical_with_hint({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_speculative_contended.var{{.*}}, i32 10)
+  // CHECK: br label %omp.critical.region
+  // CHECK: omp.critical.region
+  omp.critical(@mutex_speculative_contended) {
+  // CHECK: store
+    llvm.store %xval, %x : !llvm.ptr<i32>
+    omp.terminator
+  }
+  // CHECK: call void @__kmpc_end_critical({{.*}}critical_user_mutex_speculative_contended.var{{.*}})