diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h b/llvm/include/llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h
@@ -551,14 +551,62 @@
 /// Get a globally unique ID for a virtual file or directory.
 llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID getNextVirtualUniqueID();
-/// Gets a \p FileSystem for a virtual file system described in YAML
-/// format.
+/// \see getVFSFromYAMLs
+/// Returns nullptr if \p Buffer could not be parsed as a YAML containing
+/// overlay mappings.
 getVFSFromYAML(std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> Buffer,
                llvm::SourceMgr::DiagHandlerTy DiagHandler,
                StringRef YAMLFilePath, void *DiagContext = nullptr,
                IntrusiveRefCntPtr<FileSystem> ExternalFS = getRealFileSystem());
+/// Convenience function to read each file from \p ExternalFS and pass their
+/// buffers along to the next overload. Returns a \c FileError if any file
+/// could not be read.
+getVFSFromYAMLs(ArrayRef<StringRef> YAMLOverlayPaths,
+                IntrusiveRefCntPtr<FileSystem> ExternalFS = getRealFileSystem(),
+                SourceMgr::DiagHandlerTy DiagHandler = nullptr,
+                void *DiagContext = nullptr);
+/// Gets a \c FileSystem that runs operations on the virtual filesystems
+/// described by each buffer in \p Buffers and then the \p ExternalFS if those
+/// all fail (dependent on the options below). The order that each is run is
+/// the reverse of the list, ie. the last buffer creates the first used
+/// \c FileSystem.
+/// Returns a \c FileError if any of the buffers are invalid and an
+/// \c OverlayFileSystem with just the \p ExternalFS if no buffers were
+/// provided.
+/// Two extra root configuration options are handled by this method when
+/// parsing the YAML of each filesystem:
+///   'fallthrough': <boolean, default=true, deprecated - use 'redirecting-with'
+///                   instead>
+///   'redirecting-with': <string, one of 'fallthrough', 'fallback', or
+///                        'redirect-only', default='fallthrough'>
+/// These specify the order each filesystem is added to an \c OverlayFileSystem
+/// and whether they're added at all -
+///   - 'fallthrough': allow "falling through" to the next filesystem
+///   - 'fallback': run opertions on the next filesystem before this one.
+///                 Most useful when specified on the first overlay, which
+///                 causes the \p ExternalFS to run before it (ie. "fallback"
+///                 to using the mapped paths only when original fails)
+///   - 'redirect-only': skip running operations on any further filesystems,
+///                      ie. this is the last used filesystem. As with
+///                      'fallback', this is more useful when specified on the
+///                      first overlay to avoid also checking the \p ExternalFS.
+/// \see OverlayFileSystem
+/// \see RedirectingFileSystem
+getVFSFromYAMLs(ArrayRef<MemoryBufferRef> YAMLOverlays,
+                IntrusiveRefCntPtr<FileSystem> ExternalFS = getRealFileSystem(),
+                SourceMgr::DiagHandlerTy DiagHandler = nullptr,
+                void *DiagContext = nullptr);
 struct YAMLVFSEntry {
   template <typename T1, typename T2>
   YAMLVFSEntry(T1 &&VPath, T2 &&RPath, bool IsDirectory = false)
@@ -597,10 +645,6 @@
 ///   'case-sensitive': <boolean, default=(true for Posix, false for Windows)>
 ///   'use-external-names': <boolean, default=true>
 ///   'overlay-relative': <boolean, default=false>
-///   'fallthrough': <boolean, default=true, deprecated - use 'redirecting-with'
-///                   instead>
-///   'redirecting-with': <string, one of 'fallthrough', 'fallback', or
-///                        'redirect-only', default='fallthrough'>
 /// Virtual directories that list their contents are represented as
 /// \verbatim
@@ -860,8 +904,11 @@
   /// the path it redirects to in the external file system.
   ErrorOr<LookupResult> lookupPath(StringRef CanonicalPath) const;
-  /// Parses \p Buffer, which is expected to be in YAML format and
-  /// returns a virtual file system representing its contents.
+  /// Parses \p Buffer, which is expected to be in the YAML format described
+  /// in \c RedirectingFileSystem and returns a virtual file system
+  /// representing its contents.
+  ///
+  /// \see getVFSFromYAMLs
   static std::unique_ptr<RedirectingFileSystem>
   create(std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer,
          SourceMgr::DiagHandlerTy DiagHandler, StringRef YAMLFilePath,
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Support/VirtualFileSystem.cpp b/llvm/lib/Support/VirtualFileSystem.cpp
--- a/llvm/lib/Support/VirtualFileSystem.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Support/VirtualFileSystem.cpp
@@ -2236,9 +2236,132 @@
                     SourceMgr::DiagHandlerTy DiagHandler,
                     StringRef YAMLFilePath, void *DiagContext,
                     IntrusiveRefCntPtr<FileSystem> ExternalFS) {
-  return RedirectingFileSystem::create(std::move(Buffer), DiagHandler,
-                                       YAMLFilePath, DiagContext,
-                                       std::move(ExternalFS));
+  MemoryBufferRef BufferRef {Buffer->getBuffer(), YAMLFilePath};
+  auto FS = getVFSFromYAMLs(BufferRef, ExternalFS, DiagHandler, DiagContext);
+  if (auto Err = FS.takeError()) {
+    consumeError(std::move(Err));
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  return std::move(*FS);
+namespace {
+struct VFSResult {
+  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<FileSystem> FS;
+  YAMLParseResult::RedirectKind Redirection;
+  VFSResult(IntrusiveRefCntPtr<FileSystem> FS,
+            YAMLParseResult::RedirectKind Redirection)
+      : FS(std::move(FS)), Redirection(Redirection) {}
+  VFSResult(YAMLParseResult &Result)
+      : FS(std::move(Result.FS)), Redirection(Result.Redirection) {}
+} // namespace
+static std::unique_ptr<OverlayFileSystem>
+createOverlay(ArrayRef<VFSResult> VFSResults) {
+  if (VFSResults.empty())
+    return nullptr;
+  auto OverlayFS = std::make_unique<OverlayFileSystem>(VFSResults.front().FS);
+  for (const auto &Result : VFSResults.drop_front()) {
+    OverlayFS->pushOverlay(Result.FS);
+  }
+  return OverlayFS;
+vfs::getVFSFromYAMLs(ArrayRef<StringRef> YAMLOverlayPaths,
+                     IntrusiveRefCntPtr<FileSystem> ExternalFS,
+                     SourceMgr::DiagHandlerTy DiagHandler, void *DiagContext) {
+  SmallVector<MemoryBufferRef, 2> BufferRefs;
+  for (StringRef Path : YAMLOverlayPaths) {
+    BufferRefs.emplace_back(StringRef(), Path);
+  }
+  return getVFSFromYAMLs(BufferRefs, std::move(ExternalFS), DiagHandler,
+                         DiagContext);
+vfs::getVFSFromYAMLs(ArrayRef<MemoryBufferRef> YAMLOverlays,
+                     IntrusiveRefCntPtr<FileSystem> ExternalFS,
+                     SourceMgr::DiagHandlerTy DiagHandler, void *DiagContext) {
+  if (YAMLOverlays.empty())
+    return std::make_unique<OverlayFileSystem>(std::move(ExternalFS));
+  SourceMgr SM;
+  SM.setDiagHandler(DiagHandler, DiagContext);
+  SmallVector<VFSResult, 2> Overlays;
+  Overlays.emplace_back(ExternalFS, YAMLParseResult::RedirectKind::Fallthrough);
+  std::unique_ptr<OverlayFileSystem> OverlayFS = createOverlay(Overlays);
+  for (MemoryBufferRef Buffer : YAMLOverlays) {
+    // Bit of a hack. If the buffer's data is a nullptr (not just empty),
+    // attempt to read the the file from the current FS. This is to
+    // differentiate between an actual buffer and one that was made from just
+    // a path. The paths cannot be read all up front in order to support
+    // overlay files being defined in a VFS.
+    std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> TempBuffer;
+    if (Buffer.getBuffer().data() == nullptr) {
+      ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> NewBufferOrError =
+          OverlayFS->getBufferForFile(Buffer.getBufferIdentifier());
+      if (!NewBufferOrError)
+        return createFileError(Buffer.getBufferIdentifier(),
+                               NewBufferOrError.getError());
+      TempBuffer = std::move(*NewBufferOrError);
+      Buffer = MemoryBufferRef(TempBuffer->getBuffer(),
+                               Buffer.getBufferIdentifier());
+    }
+    Optional<YAMLParseResult> Result =
+        RedirectingFileSystemParser::parse(Buffer, SM, ExternalFS);
+    if (!Result)
+      return createFileError(Buffer.getBufferIdentifier(),
+                             llvm::errc::invalid_argument);
+    switch (Result->Redirection) {
+    case YAMLParseResult::RedirectKind::Fallthrough:
+      // Simple case - add on the FS
+      Overlays.emplace_back(*Result);
+      OverlayFS->pushOverlay(Overlays.back().FS);
+      break;
+    case YAMLParseResult::RedirectKind::Fallback:
+      // Fallback implies that the previously added FS should run operations
+      // before hitting this FS. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense for any
+      // position other than the beginning where we want the external FS to run
+      // first. For other positions the overlays could just be specified in the
+      // opposite order.
+      //
+      // This is fallout from the history of \c RedirectingFileSystem. Ideally
+      // we would just depend on order and have some way to specify the real
+      // filesystem.
+      if (Overlays.back().Redirection !=
+          YAMLParseResult::RedirectKind::RedirectOnly) {
+        // If the previously inserted overlay is redirect only, don't bother
+        // adding this one - it would never run anyway (since redirect only
+        // is necessarily the last FS).
+        // Note: Overlays is never empty, it always has at least the
+        // \c ExternalFS
+        Overlays.insert(Overlays.end() - 1, VFSResult(*Result));
+        OverlayFS = createOverlay(Overlays);
+      }
+      break;
+    case YAMLParseResult::RedirectKind::RedirectOnly:
+      // This is now the last FS, clear the rest if there were any
+      Overlays.clear();
+      Overlays.emplace_back(*Result);
+      OverlayFS = createOverlay(Overlays);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return OverlayFS;
 static void getVFSEntries(RedirectingFileSystem::Entry *SrcE,
diff --git a/llvm/unittests/Support/VirtualFileSystemTest.cpp b/llvm/unittests/Support/VirtualFileSystemTest.cpp
--- a/llvm/unittests/Support/VirtualFileSystemTest.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/Support/VirtualFileSystemTest.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
+#include "llvm/Testing/Support/Error.h"
 #include "llvm/Testing/Support/SupportHelpers.h"
 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@
   std::error_code close() override { return std::error_code(); }
+  void setPath(const Twine &Path) override { S = S.copyWithNewName(S, Path); }
 class DummyFileSystem : public vfs::FileSystem {
@@ -1701,30 +1703,21 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(0, NumDiagnostics);
-TEST_F(VFSFromYAMLTest, ReturnsRequestedPathVFSMiss) {
+TEST_F(VFSFromYAMLTest, RelativeVFSPathMiss) {
   IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::InMemoryFileSystem> BaseFS(
       new vfs::InMemoryFileSystem);
   BaseFS->addFile("//root/foo/a", 0,
                   MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer("contents of a"));
   auto RemappedFS = vfs::RedirectingFileSystem::create(
       {}, /*UseExternalNames=*/false, *BaseFS);
-  auto OpenedF = RemappedFS->openFileForRead("a");
+  auto OpenedF = BaseFS->openFileForRead("a");
-  llvm::ErrorOr<std::string> Name = (*OpenedF)->getName();
-  ASSERT_FALSE(Name.getError());
-  EXPECT_EQ("a", Name.get());
-  auto OpenedS = (*OpenedF)->status();
-  ASSERT_FALSE(OpenedS.getError());
-  EXPECT_EQ("a", OpenedS->getName());
-  EXPECT_FALSE(OpenedS->IsVFSMapped);
-  auto DirectS = RemappedFS->status("a");
-  ASSERT_FALSE(DirectS.getError());
-  EXPECT_EQ("a", DirectS->getName());
-  EXPECT_FALSE(DirectS->IsVFSMapped);
+  OpenedF = RemappedFS->openFileForRead("a");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(OpenedF.getError());
   EXPECT_EQ(0, NumDiagnostics);
@@ -2441,7 +2434,7 @@
 TEST_F(VFSFromYAMLTest, WorkingDirectory) {
-  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DummyFileSystem> Lower(new DummyFileSystem());
+  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<ErrorDummyFileSystem> Lower(new ErrorDummyFileSystem());
@@ -2463,6 +2456,7 @@
   ASSERT_NE(FS.get(), nullptr);
   std::error_code EC = FS->setCurrentWorkingDirectory("//root/bar");
@@ -2491,6 +2485,14 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(*WorkingDir, "//root/");
+  Status = FS->status("bar/a");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(Status.getError());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Status->exists());
+  // CWD wasn't set on Lower (it just errors instead), so this should fail
+  Status = FS->status("foo/a");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(Status.getError());
   EC = FS->setCurrentWorkingDirectory("bar");
   WorkingDir = FS->getCurrentWorkingDirectory();
@@ -2580,43 +2582,6 @@
-TEST_F(VFSFromYAMLTest, WorkingDirectoryFallthroughInvalid) {
-  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<ErrorDummyFileSystem> Lower(new ErrorDummyFileSystem());
-  Lower->addDirectory("//root/");
-  Lower->addDirectory("//root/foo");
-  Lower->addRegularFile("//root/foo/a");
-  Lower->addRegularFile("//root/foo/b");
-  Lower->addRegularFile("//root/c");
-  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> FS = getFromYAMLString(
-      "{ 'use-external-names': false,\n"
-      "  'roots': [\n"
-      "{\n"
-      "  'type': 'directory',\n"
-      "  'name': '//root/bar',\n"
-      "  'contents': [ {\n"
-      "                  'type': 'file',\n"
-      "                  'name': 'a',\n"
-      "                  'external-contents': '//root/foo/a'\n"
-      "                }\n"
-      "              ]\n"
-      "}\n"
-      "]\n"
-      "}",
-      Lower);
-  ASSERT_NE(FS.get(), nullptr);
-  std::error_code EC = FS->setCurrentWorkingDirectory("//root/");
-  ASSERT_NE(FS.get(), nullptr);
-  llvm::ErrorOr<vfs::Status> Status = FS->status("bar/a");
-  ASSERT_FALSE(Status.getError());
-  EXPECT_TRUE(Status->exists());
-  Status = FS->status("foo/a");
-  ASSERT_FALSE(Status.getError());
-  EXPECT_TRUE(Status->exists());
 TEST_F(VFSFromYAMLTest, VirtualWorkingDirectory) {
   IntrusiveRefCntPtr<ErrorDummyFileSystem> Lower(new ErrorDummyFileSystem());
@@ -3048,3 +3013,190 @@
   EXPECT_EQ("b/c", S->getName());
+static std::unique_ptr<vfs::OverlayFileSystem>
+getVFSOrNull(ArrayRef<std::string> YAMLOverlays,
+             IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> ExternalFS) {
+  SmallVector<MemoryBufferRef> OverlayRefs;
+  for (const auto &Overlay : YAMLOverlays) {
+    OverlayRefs.emplace_back(Overlay, "");
+  }
+  auto ExpectedFS = vfs::getVFSFromYAMLs(OverlayRefs, ExternalFS);
+  if (auto Err = ExpectedFS.takeError()) {
+    consumeError(std::move(Err));
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  return std::move(*ExpectedFS);
+static std::string createSimpleOverlay(StringRef RedirectKind, StringRef From,
+                                       StringRef To) {
+  return ("{\n"
+          "  'version': 0,\n"
+          "  'redirecting-with': '" +
+          RedirectKind +
+          "'\n"
+          "  'roots': [\n"
+          "     {\n"
+          "       'type': 'directory-remap',\n"
+          "       'name': '" +
+          From +
+          "',\n"
+          "       'external-contents': '" +
+          To +
+          "',\n"
+          "       }]\n"
+          "     }"
+          "  ]")
+      .str();
+// Make sure that overlays are not transitive. Given A -> B and B -> C, if a
+// file in A is requested, it should not end up mapping to C.
+TEST(VFSFromYAMLsTest, NotTransitive) {
+  auto C = makeIntrusiveRefCnt<DummyFileSystem>();
+  C->addDirectory("/real/c");
+  C->addRegularFile("/real/c/f");
+  SmallVector<std::string> Overlays;
+  Overlays.push_back(createSimpleOverlay("fallthrough", "/b", "/real/c"));
+  Overlays.push_back(createSimpleOverlay("fallthrough", "/a", "/b"));
+  auto FS = getVFSOrNull(Overlays, C);
+  auto S = FS->status("/b/f");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(S.getError());
+  EXPECT_EQ("/real/c/f", S->getName());
+  S = FS->status("/a/f");
+  EXPECT_TRUE(S.getError());
+// When fallback is the first overlay, the external FS should be checked before
+// it. Given B -> A, A should only be used if the file does not exist in B.
+TEST(VFSFromYAMLsTest, FallbackChecksExternalFirst) {
+  auto AOnly = makeIntrusiveRefCnt<DummyFileSystem>();
+  AOnly->addDirectory("/a");
+  AOnly->addRegularFile("/a/f");
+  auto BOnly = makeIntrusiveRefCnt<DummyFileSystem>();
+  BOnly->addDirectory("/b");
+  BOnly->addRegularFile("/b/f");
+  auto Both = makeIntrusiveRefCnt<DummyFileSystem>();
+  Both->addDirectory("/a");
+  Both->addRegularFile("/a/f");
+  Both->addDirectory("/b");
+  Both->addRegularFile("/b/f");
+  auto FallbackOverlay = createSimpleOverlay("fallback", "/b", "/a");
+  auto FS = getVFSOrNull(FallbackOverlay, AOnly);
+  auto S = FS->status("/b/f");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(S.getError());
+  EXPECT_EQ("/a/f", S->getName());
+  FS = getVFSOrNull(FallbackOverlay, BOnly);
+  S = FS->status("/b/f");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(S.getError());
+  EXPECT_EQ("/b/f", S->getName());
+  FS = getVFSOrNull(FallbackOverlay, Both);
+  S = FS->status("/b/f");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(S.getError());
+  EXPECT_EQ("/b/f", S->getName());
+// Ensure the last overlay with redirect-only specified is the final FS
+TEST(VFSFromYAMLsTest, RedirectOnlyIsFinalFS) {
+  auto Real = makeIntrusiveRefCnt<DummyFileSystem>();
+  Real->addDirectory("/real");
+  Real->addRegularFile("/real/f");
+  Real->setCurrentWorkingDirectory("/real");
+  SmallVector<std::string> Overlays;
+  Overlays.push_back(createSimpleOverlay("redirect-only", "/ro1", "/real"));
+  Overlays.push_back(createSimpleOverlay("fallthrough", "/ft1", "/real"));
+  Overlays.push_back(createSimpleOverlay("redirect-only", "/ro2", "/real"));
+  Overlays.push_back(createSimpleOverlay("fallback", "/fb", "/real"));
+  Overlays.push_back(createSimpleOverlay("fallthrough", "/ft2", "/real"));
+  auto FS = getVFSOrNull(Overlays, Real);
+  // Should have the same CWD as the external FS we passed down, even if that
+  // FS isn't actually being used in the overlay any more.
+  auto CWD = FS->getCurrentWorkingDirectory();
+  ASSERT_FALSE(CWD.getError());
+  EXPECT_EQ(*CWD, "/real");
+  // Only //ft2/f and //ro2/f should be valid:
+  //  - //ro1 and //ft1 are specified before //ro2 so never run
+  //  - //fb is specified after, but it's set to fallback and hence //ro2
+  //    should run first (and not continue)
+  auto S = FS->status("/ro1/f");
+  EXPECT_TRUE(S.getError());
+  S = FS->status("/ft1/f");
+  EXPECT_TRUE(S.getError());
+  S = FS->status("/fb/f");
+  EXPECT_TRUE(S.getError());
+  S = FS->status("/ro2/f");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(S.getError());
+  EXPECT_EQ("/real/f", S->getName());
+  S = FS->status("/ft2/f");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(S.getError());
+  EXPECT_EQ("/real/f", S->getName());
+// Ensure overlays are read from the OverlayFS built so far
+TEST(VFSFromYAMLsTest, OverlayFromVFS) {
+  std::string FT1 = createSimpleOverlay("fallthrough", "/vfs1", "/a");
+  std::string FT2 = createSimpleOverlay("fallthrough", "/vfs2", "/b");
+  std::string FT3 = createSimpleOverlay("fallthrough", "/vfs3", "/c");
+  std::string RO = createSimpleOverlay("redirect-only", "/vfs", "/a");
+  auto Real = makeIntrusiveRefCnt<vfs::InMemoryFileSystem>();
+  Real->addFile("/ft1.yaml", 0, MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(FT1));
+  Real->addFile("/ft2.yaml", 0, MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(FT2));
+  Real->addFile("/a/ft3.yaml", 0, MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(FT3));
+  Real->addFile("/ro.yaml", 0, MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(RO));
+  Real->addFile("/a/f", 0, MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer("a"));
+  Real->addFile("/b/f", 0, MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer("b"));
+  Real->addFile("/c/f", 0, MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer("c"));
+  // 3 to check we're not just using the last overlay
+  auto ExpectedFS =
+      vfs::getVFSFromYAMLs({"/ft1.yaml", "/ft2.yaml", "/vfs1/ft3.yaml"}, Real);
+  ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(ExpectedFS, Succeeded());
+  auto FS = std::move(*ExpectedFS);
+  auto S = FS->status("/vfs1/f");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(S.getError());
+  EXPECT_EQ("/a/f", S->getName());
+  S = FS->status("/vfs2/f");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(S.getError());
+  EXPECT_EQ("/b/f", S->getName());
+  S = FS->status("/vfs3/f");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(S.getError());
+  EXPECT_EQ("/c/f", S->getName());
+  // If redirect-only is given, any further overlays *must* be specified by it
+  ExpectedFS = vfs::getVFSFromYAMLs({"/ro.yaml", "/a/ft3.yaml"}, Real);
+  EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(ExpectedFS, Failed());
+  ExpectedFS = vfs::getVFSFromYAMLs({"/ro.yaml", "/vfs/ft3.yaml"}, Real);
+  ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(ExpectedFS, Succeeded());
+  FS = std::move(*ExpectedFS);
+  S = FS->status("/vfs/f");
+  ASSERT_FALSE(S.getError());
+  EXPECT_EQ("/a/f", S->getName());