diff --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco.py b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco.py
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco.py
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco.py
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 import threading
 # Import MLIR related modules.
+from mlir import execution_engine
 from mlir import ir
 from mlir import runtime
 from mlir.dialects import arith
@@ -644,6 +645,7 @@
     dtype = dtype or DType(Type.FLOAT32)
     self._name = name or self._get_unique_name()
     self._assignment = None
+    self._engine = None
     self._sparse_value_location = _SparseValueInfo._UNPACKED
     self._dense_storage = None
     self._dtype = dtype
@@ -978,17 +980,72 @@
                        f"len({indices}) != {self.order}.")
     self._assignment = _Assignment(indices, value)
+    self._engine = None
-  def evaluate(self) -> None:
-    """Evaluates the assignment to the tensor."""
-    result = self._assignment.expression.evaluate(self,
-                                                  self._assignment.indices)
-    self._assignment = None
+  def compile(self, force_recompile: bool = False) -> None:
+    """Compiles the tensor assignment to an execution engine.
+    Calling compile the second time does not do anything unless
+    force_recompile is True.
+    Args:
+      force_recompile: A boolean value to enable recompilation, such as for the
+        purpose of timing.
+    Raises:
+      ValueError: If the assignment is not proper or not supported.
+    """
+    if self._assignment is None or (self._engine is not None and
+                                    not force_recompile):
+      return
+    self._engine = self._assignment.expression.compile(self,
+                                                       self._assignment.indices)
+  def compute(self) -> None:
+    """Executes the engine for the tensor assignment.
+    Raises:
+      ValueError: If the assignment hasn't been compiled yet.
+    """
+    if self._assignment is None:
+      return
+    if self._engine is None:
+      raise ValueError("Need to invoke compile() before invoking compute().")
+    input_accesses = self._assignment.expression.get_input_accesses()
+    # Gather the pointers for the input buffers.
+    input_pointers = [a.tensor.ctype_pointer() for a in input_accesses]
+    if self.is_dense():
+      # The pointer to receive dense output is the first argument to the
+      # execution engine.
+      arg_pointers = [self.dense_dst_ctype_pointer()] + input_pointers
+    else:
+      # The pointer to receive the sparse tensor output is the last argument
+      # to the execution engine and is a pointer to pointer of char.
+      arg_pointers = input_pointers + [
+          ctypes.pointer(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_char(0)))
+      ]
+    # Invoke the execution engine to run the module.
+    self._engine.invoke(_ENTRY_NAME, *arg_pointers)
+    # Retrieve the result.
     if self.is_dense():
+      result = runtime.ranked_memref_to_numpy(arg_pointers[0][0])
       assert isinstance(result, np.ndarray)
       self._dense_storage = result
-      self._set_packed_sparse_tensor(result)
+      self._set_packed_sparse_tensor(arg_pointers[-1][0])
+    self._assignment = None
+    self._engine = None
+  def evaluate(self) -> None:
+    """Evaluates the tensor assignment."""
+    self.compile()
+    self.compute()
   def _sync_value(self) -> None:
     """Updates the tensor value by evaluating the pending assignment."""
@@ -1444,29 +1501,31 @@
           "llvm.emit_c_interface"] = ir.UnitAttr.get()
-  def evaluate(
+  def get_input_accesses(self) -> List["Access"]:
+    """Compute the list of input accesses for the expression."""
+    input_accesses = []
+    self._visit(_gather_input_accesses_index_vars, (input_accesses,))
+    return input_accesses
+  def compile(
       dst: Tensor,
       dst_indices: Tuple[IndexVar, ...],
-  ) -> Union[np.ndarray, ctypes.c_void_p]:
-    """Evaluates tensor assignment dst[dst_indices] = expression.
+  ) -> execution_engine.ExecutionEngine:
+    """Compiles the tensor assignment dst[dst_indices] = expression.
       dst: The destination tensor.
       dst_indices: The tuple of IndexVar used to access the destination tensor.
-      The result of the dense tensor represented in numpy ndarray or the pointer
-      to the MLIR sparse tensor.
+      The execution engine for the tensor assignment.
       ValueError: If the expression is not proper or not supported.
     expr_to_info = self._validate_and_collect_expr_info(dst, dst_indices)
-    # Compute a list of input accesses.
-    input_accesses = []
-    self._visit(_gather_input_accesses_index_vars, (input_accesses,))
+    input_accesses = self.get_input_accesses()
     # Build and compile the module to produce the execution engine.
     with ir.Context(), ir.Location.unknown():
@@ -1475,29 +1534,7 @@
       engine = utils.compile_and_build_engine(module)
-    # Gather the pointers for the input buffers.
-    input_pointers = [a.tensor.ctype_pointer() for a in input_accesses]
-    if dst.is_dense():
-      # The pointer to receive dense output is the first argument to the
-      # execution engine.
-      arg_pointers = [dst.dense_dst_ctype_pointer()] + input_pointers
-    else:
-      # The pointer to receive sparse output is the last argument to the
-      # execution engine. The pointer to receive a sparse tensor output is a
-      # pointer to pointer of char.
-      arg_pointers = input_pointers + [
-          ctypes.pointer(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_char(0)))
-      ]
-    # Invoke the execution engine to run the module and return the result.
-    engine.invoke(_ENTRY_NAME, *arg_pointers)
-    if dst.is_dense():
-      return runtime.ranked_memref_to_numpy(arg_pointers[0][0])
-    # Return the sparse tensor pointer.
-    return arg_pointers[-1][0]
+    return engine
 class Access(IndexExpr):
diff --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/unit_test_tensor_core.py b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/unit_test_tensor_core.py
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/unit_test_tensor_core.py
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/unit_test_tensor_core.py
@@ -279,13 +279,23 @@
   A.insert([1, 2], 6.0)
   B = mlir_pytaco.Tensor([I, J])
   B[i, j] = A[i, j]
+  passed = (B._assignment is not None)
+  passed += (B._engine is None)
+  try:
+    B.compute()
+  except ValueError as e:
+    passed += (str(e).startswith("Need to invoke compile"))
+  B.compile()
+  passed += (B._engine is not None)
+  B.compute()
+  passed += (B._assignment is None)
+  passed += (B._engine is None)
   indices, values = B.get_coordinates_and_values()
-  passed = np.array_equal(indices, [[0, 1], [1, 2]])
+  passed += np.array_equal(indices, [[0, 1], [1, 2]])
   passed += np.allclose(values, [5.0, 6.0])
   # No temporary tensor is used.
   passed += (B._stats.get_total() == 0)
-  # CHECK: Number of passed: 3
+  # CHECK: Number of passed: 9
   print("Number of passed:", passed)