Index: include/lldb/Target/Platform.h
--- include/lldb/Target/Platform.h
+++ include/lldb/Target/Platform.h
@@ -1092,6 +1092,10 @@
                              const uint64_t src_offset,
                              const uint64_t src_size,
                              const FileSpec& dst_file_spec);
+        virtual Error
+        DownloadSymbolFile (const lldb::ModuleSP& module_sp,
+                            const FileSpec& dst_file_spec);
         virtual const char *
         GetCacheHostname ();
Index: source/Plugins/Platform/Android/PlatformAndroid.h
--- source/Plugins/Platform/Android/PlatformAndroid.h
+++ source/Plugins/Platform/Android/PlatformAndroid.h
@@ -90,6 +90,10 @@
                              const uint64_t src_size,
                              const FileSpec &dst_file_spec) override;
+        Error
+        DownloadSymbolFile (const lldb::ModuleSP& module_sp,
+                            const FileSpec& dst_file_spec) override;
         std::string m_device_id;
         uint32_t m_sdk_version;
Index: source/Plugins/Platform/Android/PlatformAndroid.cpp
--- source/Plugins/Platform/Android/PlatformAndroid.cpp
+++ source/Plugins/Platform/Android/PlatformAndroid.cpp
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
 // C++ Includes
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 #include "lldb/Core/Log.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/Section.h"
 #include "lldb/Host/HostInfo.h"
 #include "Utility/UriParser.h"
@@ -290,3 +292,74 @@
     m_sdk_version = ::atoi(version_string.c_str());
     return m_sdk_version;
+PlatformAndroid::DownloadSymbolFile (const lldb::ModuleSP& module_sp,
+                                     const FileSpec& dst_file_spec)
+    // For oat file we can try to fetch additional debug info from the device
+    if (module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetFileNameExtension() != ConstString("oat"))
+        return Error("Symbol file downloading only supported for oat files");
+    // If we have no information about the platform file we can't execute oatdump
+    if (!module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec())
+    return Error("No platform file specified");
+    // Symbolizer isn't available before SDK version 23
+    if (GetSdkVersion() < 23)
+        return Error("Symbol file generation only supported on SDK 23+");
+    // If we already have symtab then we don't have to try and generate one
+    if (module_sp->GetSectionList()->FindSectionByName(ConstString(".symtab")) != nullptr)
+        return Error("Symtab already available in the module");
+    int status = 0;
+    std::string tmpdir;
+    StreamString command;
+    command.Printf("mktemp --directory --tmpdir %s", GetWorkingDirectory().GetCString());
+    Error error = RunShellCommand(command.GetData(),
+                                  GetWorkingDirectory(),
+                                  &status,
+                                  nullptr,
+                                  &tmpdir,
+                                  1);
+    if (error.Fail() || status != 0)
+        return Error("Failed to generate temporary directory on the device (%s)", error.AsCString());
+    tmpdir.erase(tmpdir.size() - 1); // Remove trailing new line
+    // Create file remover for the temporary directroy created on the device
+    std::unique_ptr<std::string, std::function<void(std::string*)>> tmpdir_remover(
+        &tmpdir,
+        [this](std::string* s) {
+            StreamString command;
+            command.Printf("rm -rf %s", s->c_str());
+            this->RunShellCommand(command.GetData(),
+                                  GetWorkingDirectory(),
+                                  nullptr,
+                                  nullptr,
+                                  nullptr,
+                                  1);
+        }
+    );
+    FileSpec symfile_platform_filespec(tmpdir.c_str(), false);
+    symfile_platform_filespec.AppendPathComponent("symbolized.oat");
+    // Execute oatdump on the remote device to generate a file with symtab
+    command.Clear();
+    command.Printf("oatdump --symbolize=%s --output=%s",
+                   module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec().GetCString(),
+                   symfile_platform_filespec.GetCString());
+    error = RunShellCommand(command.GetData(),
+                            GetWorkingDirectory(),
+                            &status,
+                            nullptr,
+                            nullptr,
+                            60);
+    if (error.Fail() || status != 0)
+        return Error("Oatdump failed: %s", error.AsCString());
+    // Download the symbolfile from the remote device
+    return GetFile(symfile_platform_filespec, dst_file_spec);
Index: source/Target/Platform.cpp
--- source/Target/Platform.cpp
+++ source/Target/Platform.cpp
@@ -1811,7 +1811,7 @@
         // Try to get module information from the process
         if (process->GetModuleSpec (module_spec.GetFileSpec (), module_spec.GetArchitecture (), resolved_module_spec))
-          got_module_spec = true;
+            got_module_spec = true;
     if (!got_module_spec)
@@ -1848,7 +1848,7 @@
         GetModuleCacheRoot (),
         GetCacheHostname (),
-        [=](const ModuleSpec &module_spec, const FileSpec &tmp_download_file_spec)
+        [this](const ModuleSpec &module_spec, const FileSpec &tmp_download_file_spec)
             return DownloadModuleSlice (module_spec.GetFileSpec (),
                                         module_spec.GetObjectOffset (),
@@ -1856,6 +1856,10 @@
+        [this](const ModuleSP& module_sp, const FileSpec& tmp_download_file_spec)
+        {
+            return DownloadSymbolFile (module_sp, tmp_download_file_spec);
+        },
     if (error.Success ())
@@ -1918,6 +1922,12 @@
     return error;
+Platform::DownloadSymbolFile (const lldb::ModuleSP& module_sp, const FileSpec& dst_file_spec)
+    return Error ("Symbol file downloading not supported by the default platform.");
 Platform::GetModuleCacheRoot ()
Index: source/Utility/ModuleCache.h
--- source/Utility/ModuleCache.h
+++ source/Utility/ModuleCache.h
@@ -46,13 +46,15 @@
 class ModuleCache
-    using Downloader = std::function<Error (const ModuleSpec&, const FileSpec&)>;
+    using ModuleDownloader = std::function<Error (const ModuleSpec&, const FileSpec&)>;
+    using SymfileDownloader = std::function<Error (const lldb::ModuleSP&, const FileSpec&)>;
     GetAndPut(const FileSpec &root_dir_spec,
               const char *hostname,
               const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-              const Downloader &downloader,
+              const ModuleDownloader &module_downloader,
+              const SymfileDownloader &symfile_downloader,
               lldb::ModuleSP &cached_module_sp,
               bool *did_create_ptr);
@@ -61,7 +63,8 @@
     Put (const FileSpec &root_dir_spec,
          const char *hostname,
          const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-         const FileSpec &tmp_file);
+         const FileSpec &tmp_file,
+         const FileSpec &target_file);
     Get (const FileSpec &root_dir_spec,
Index: source/Utility/ModuleCache.cpp
--- source/Utility/ModuleCache.cpp
+++ source/Utility/ModuleCache.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 const char* kModulesSubdir = ".cache";
 const char* kLockFileName = ".lock";
 const char* kTempFileName = ".temp";
+const char* kTempSymFileName = ".symtemp";
 JoinPath (const FileSpec &path1, const char* path2)
@@ -80,10 +81,11 @@
 ModuleCache::Put (const FileSpec &root_dir_spec,
                   const char *hostname,
                   const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                  const FileSpec &tmp_file)
+                  const FileSpec &tmp_file,
+                  const FileSpec &target_file)
     const auto module_spec_dir = GetModuleDirectory (root_dir_spec, module_spec.GetUUID ());
-    const auto module_file_path = JoinPath (module_spec_dir, module_spec.GetFileSpec ().GetFilename ().AsCString ());
+    const auto module_file_path = JoinPath (module_spec_dir, target_file.GetFilename ().AsCString ());
     const auto tmp_file_path = tmp_file.GetPath ();
     const auto err_code = llvm::sys::fs::rename (tmp_file_path.c_str (), module_file_path.GetPath ().c_str ());
@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@
         return Error ("Failed to rename file %s to %s: %s",
                       tmp_file_path.c_str (), module_file_path.GetPath ().c_str (), err_code.message ().c_str ());
-    const auto error = CreateHostSysRootModuleLink(root_dir_spec, hostname, module_spec.GetFileSpec(), module_file_path);
+    const auto error = CreateHostSysRootModuleLink(root_dir_spec, hostname, target_file, module_file_path);
     if (error.Fail ())
         return Error ("Failed to create link to %s: %s", module_file_path.GetPath ().c_str (), error.AsCString ());
     return Error ();
@@ -131,6 +133,11 @@
     cached_module_spec.GetFileSpec () = module_file_path;
     cached_module_spec.GetPlatformFileSpec () = module_spec.GetFileSpec ();
     cached_module_sp.reset (new Module (cached_module_spec));
+    FileSpec symfile_spec((cached_module_sp->GetFileSpec ().GetPath () + ".sym").c_str (), false);
+    if (symfile_spec.Exists ())
+        cached_module_sp->SetSymbolFileFileSpec (symfile_spec);
     if (did_create_ptr)
         *did_create_ptr = true;
@@ -143,7 +150,8 @@
 ModuleCache::GetAndPut (const FileSpec &root_dir_spec,
                         const char *hostname,
                         const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                        const Downloader &downloader,
+                        const ModuleDownloader &module_downloader,
+                        const SymfileDownloader &symfile_downloader,
                         lldb::ModuleSP &cached_module_sp,
                         bool *did_create_ptr)
@@ -171,16 +179,37 @@
         return error;
     const auto tmp_download_file_spec = JoinPath (module_spec_dir, kTempFileName);
-    error = downloader (module_spec, tmp_download_file_spec);
+    error = module_downloader (module_spec, tmp_download_file_spec);
     llvm::FileRemover tmp_file_remover (tmp_download_file_spec.GetPath ().c_str ());
     if (error.Fail ())
         return Error("Failed to download module: %s", error.AsCString ());
     // Put downloaded file into local module cache.
-    error = Put (root_dir_spec, hostname, module_spec, tmp_download_file_spec);
+    error = Put (root_dir_spec, hostname, module_spec, tmp_download_file_spec, module_spec.GetFileSpec ());
     if (error.Fail ())
         return Error ("Failed to put module into cache: %s", error.AsCString ());
     tmp_file_remover.releaseFile ();
-    return Get (root_dir_spec, hostname, module_spec, cached_module_sp, did_create_ptr);
+    error = Get (root_dir_spec, hostname, module_spec, cached_module_sp, did_create_ptr);
+    if (error.Fail ())
+        return error;
+    // Fetching a symbol file for the modul
+    const auto tmp_download_sym_file_spec = JoinPath (module_spec_dir, kTempSymFileName);
+    error = symfile_downloader (cached_module_sp, tmp_download_sym_file_spec);
+    llvm::FileRemover tmp_symfile_remover (tmp_download_sym_file_spec.GetPath ().c_str ());
+    if (error.Fail ())
+        // Failed to download a symfile but fetching the module was successful. The module might
+        // contain the neccessary symbols and the debugging is also possible without a symfile.
+        return Error ();
+    FileSpec symfile_spec((cached_module_sp->GetFileSpec ().GetPath () + ".sym").c_str (), false);
+    error = Put (root_dir_spec, hostname, module_spec, tmp_download_sym_file_spec, symfile_spec);
+    if (error.Fail ())
+        return Error ("Failed to put symbol file into cache: %s", error.AsCString ());
+    tmp_symfile_remover.releaseFile();
+    cached_module_sp->SetSymbolFileFileSpec (symfile_spec);
+    return Error ();