Index: llvm/utils/
--- /dev/null
+++ llvm/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import argparse
+import os
+import sys
+import platform
+import array as arr
+from json import loads
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+from import get_cmap
+# Holds a file statistics.
+class OneFileStats:
+  def __init__(self, Name, BlockRThroughput, DispatchWidth,
+    IPC, Instructions, Iterations, TotalCycles, TotaluOps, uOpsPerCycle):
+    self.Name = Name
+    self.BlockRThroughput = BlockRThroughput
+    self.DispatchWidth = DispatchWidth
+    self.IPC = IPC
+    self.Instructions = Instructions
+    self.Iterations = Iterations
+    self.TotalCycles = TotalCycles
+    self.TotaluOps = TotaluOps
+    self.uOpsPerCycle = uOpsPerCycle
+# Parse the program arguments.
+def parse_program_args(parser):
+  parser.add_argument('file_names', nargs = '+', type = str, help = 'Names of files which tool process.')
+  parser.add_argument('-mtriple', nargs = 1, type = str, action = 'store', metavar='[=<arg>]', default = ['x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'], help = 'Target triple.')
+  parser.add_argument('-mcpu', nargs = 1, type = str, action = 'store', metavar='[=<arg>]', default = ['skylake'], help = 'Target a specific cpu type.')
+  parser.add_argument('-diff', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'Prints the difference of statistics for multiple input assembler files.')
+  parser.add_argument('-iterations', type = int, nargs = 1, action = 'store', metavar='[=N]', default = [100], help = 'Number of iterations to run.')
+  parser.add_argument('--llvm-mca-binary', nargs = 1, required=True, type = str, action = 'store', metavar='[=<path to llvm-mca>]', help = 'Specified relative path to binary of llvm-mca.')
+  return parser.parse_args()
+# Verify that the program inputs meet the requirements.
+def verify_program_inputs(opts):
+  if opts.diff and len(opts.file_names) < 2:
+    print ('error: Please specify al least two input files.')
+    return False
+  if not opts.diff and len(opts.file_names) > 1:
+    print ('error: Please specify only one input file.')
+    return False
+  return True
+# Returns the name of the file to be analyzed from the path it is on.
+def getFilenameFromPath (path):
+  indexOfSlash = path.rfind("/")
+  return path[(indexOfSlash + 1) : len(path)]
+# Returns the results of the running llvm-mca tool for the input file.
+def llvmMcaStats (opts, FileName):
+  # Get the directory of the LLVM tools.
+  llvm_mca_cmd = opts.llvm_mca_binary[0]
+  # The statistics llvm-mca options.
+  llvm_mca_stats_opt1 = "-mtriple=" + opts.mtriple[0]
+  llvm_mca_stats_opt2 = "-mcpu=" + opts.mcpu[0]
+  llvm_mca_stats_opt3 = "-json"
+  llvm_mca_stats_opt4 = "-iterations=" + str(opts.iterations[0])
+  # Generate the stats with the llvm-mca.
+  subproc = Popen([llvm_mca_cmd, llvm_mca_stats_opt1, llvm_mca_stats_opt2, \
+                  llvm_mca_stats_opt3, llvm_mca_stats_opt4, FileName], \
+                  stdin = PIPE, stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE, \
+                  universal_newlines = True)
+  cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr = subproc.communicate()
+  try:
+    json_parsed = loads(cmd_stdout)
+  except:
+    print ('error: No valid llvm-mca statistics found.') 
+    print(cmd_stderr)
+    sys.exit(1)
+  FileStats = OneFileStats(opts.file_names[0], \
+                           json_parsed["CodeRegions"][0]["SummaryView"]["BlockRThroughput"], \
+                           json_parsed["CodeRegions"][0]["SummaryView"]["DispatchWidth"], \
+                           json_parsed["CodeRegions"][0]["SummaryView"]["IPC"], \
+                           json_parsed["CodeRegions"][0]["SummaryView"]["Instructions"], \
+                           json_parsed["CodeRegions"][0]["SummaryView"]["Iterations"], \
+                           json_parsed["CodeRegions"][0]["SummaryView"]["TotalCycles"], \
+                           json_parsed["CodeRegions"][0]["SummaryView"]["TotaluOps"], \
+                           json_parsed["CodeRegions"][0]["SummaryView"]["uOpsPerCycle"])
+  return FileStats
+# Print statistics in console for single file or for multiple files.
+def printResult (arrayOneFileStats, opts):
+  import termtables as tt
+  array = [None] * (len(opts.file_names) + 1)
+  array[0] = " "
+  print ("Input files:")
+  for i in range (len(arrayOneFileStats)):
+    print("[f" + str(i + 1) + "]: " + getFilenameFromPath(opts.file_names[i]))
+    array[i + 1] = "[f" + str(i + 1) + "]: "
+  print("\nITERATIONS: " + str(arrayOneFileStats[0].Iterations) + "\n")
+  matrix = [ [ [None] for i in range(len(arrayOneFileStats) + 1) ] for j in range(7) ]
+  matrix[0][0] = "Instructions: "
+  matrix[1][0] = "Total Cycles: "
+  matrix[2][0] = "Total uOps: "
+  matrix[3][0] = "Dispatch Width: "
+  matrix[4][0] = "uOps Per Cycle: "
+  matrix[5][0] = "IPC: "
+  matrix[6][0] = "Block RThroughput: "
+  for j in range (len(arrayOneFileStats)):
+      matrix[0][j + 1] = str(arrayOneFileStats[j].Instructions)
+      matrix[1][j + 1] = str(arrayOneFileStats[j].TotalCycles)
+      matrix[2][j + 1] = str(arrayOneFileStats[j].TotaluOps)
+      matrix[3][j + 1] = str(arrayOneFileStats[j].DispatchWidth)
+      matrix[4][j + 1] = str(round(arrayOneFileStats[j].uOpsPerCycle, 2))
+      matrix[5][j + 1] = str(round(arrayOneFileStats[j].IPC, 2))
+      matrix[6][j + 1] = str(round(arrayOneFileStats[j].BlockRThroughput, 2))
+  tt.print(matrix, header = array, style = tt.styles.ascii_thin_double, padding = (0, 1))
+def Main():
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+  opts = parse_program_args(parser)
+  if not verify_program_inputs(opts):
+    parser.print_help()
+    sys.exit(1)
+  arrayOneFileStats = [None] * len(opts.file_names)
+  if opts.diff:
+    for i in range (len(opts.file_names)):
+      arrayOneFileStats[i] = llvmMcaStats(opts, opts.file_names[i])
+    printResult(arrayOneFileStats, opts)
+  else:
+    arrayOneFileStats[0] = llvmMcaStats(opts, opts.file_names[0])
+    printResult(arrayOneFileStats, opts)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  Main()
+  sys.exit(0)