diff --git a/llvm/docs/GettingStarted.rst b/llvm/docs/GettingStarted.rst --- a/llvm/docs/GettingStarted.rst +++ b/llvm/docs/GettingStarted.rst @@ -819,15 +819,23 @@ - Some simple examples showing how to use the LLVM IR, JIT, LLJIT, ORCv2, ParallelJIT, IR Transforms, Kaleidoscope languages, and SpeculativeJIT. -- Also shows how to use some of the LLVM APIs and how LLVM works, in - ModuleMaker section. + +- Kaleidoscope Tutorial: Kaleidoscope language tutorial run through the + implementation of a nice little compiler for a non-trivial language + including a hand-written lexer, parser, AST, as well as code generation + support using LLVM- both static and JIT! + `Kaleidoscope Tutorial for complete beginner + `_. + +- BuildingAJIT: Examples of the `BuildingAJIT tutorial + `_ that shows how LLVM’s + ORC JIT APIs interact with other parts of LLVM. It also, teaches how to + recombine them to build a custom JIT that is suited to your use-case. + - Demonstration of compiling BrainF language to LLVM assembly. + - ExceptionDemo: Demo program showing implementation of LLVM exceptions and shows several test cases including the handling of foreign exceptions. -- Kaleidoscope is a procedural language that allows you to define functions, - use conditionals, math, etc with simple syntax. - `Kaleidoscope Tutorial for complete beginner - `_. ``llvm/include``