diff --git a/libcxx/utils/ci/phabricator-report b/libcxx/utils/ci/phabricator-report --- a/libcxx/utils/ci/phabricator-report +++ b/libcxx/utils/ci/phabricator-report @@ -118,13 +118,13 @@ } commitMessage = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'log', '--format=%B' , '-n', '1']).decode() - phabricatorID = re.search(r'^Phabricator-ID:\s+(.+)$', commitMessage, flags=re.MULTILINE) +# phabricatorID = re.search(r'^Phabricator-ID:\s+(.+)$', commitMessage, flags=re.MULTILINE) + phabricatorID = os.getenv('ph_target_phid') # If there's a Phabricator ID in the commit, then the build was triggered # by a Phabricator review -- update the results back. Otherwise, don't # do anything. if phabricatorID: - phabricatorID = phabricatorID.group(1) token = os.environ['CONDUIT_TOKEN'] phab = phabricator.Phabricator(token=token, host=LLVM_REVIEWS_API) exponentialBackoffRetry(